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#114 : L'épreuve

Les autorités allemandes interrogent Olivia sur ses relations avec David Robert Jones, un prisonnier qui s'est évadé il y a quelques mois et vivant actuellement aux Etats-Unis.

Pendant ce temps, la division Fringe enquête sur un cas mençant, où les vitimes meurent sans visage et dont leurs orifices se ferment tout à coup.

A l'aide de quelques pistes et d'interrogatoires, les autorités allemandes se tournent vers Olivia, Peter et Walter afin qu'ils les aident à donner un sens au retour de Mr Jones, et à ces mystérieux décés.

Alors que l'enquête se poursuit, Olivia est confrontée à de nouveaux dangers.

>> Captures de l'épisode


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Fringe - Deciphering the Scene 1X14

Fringe - Deciphering the Scene 1X14


Fringe en el 114 Ability

Fringe en el 114 Ability


Fringe Ability Custom Trailer

Fringe Ability Custom Trailer


Fringe. Preview. Episode 1.14 Ability

Fringe. Preview. Episode 1.14 Ability


Weird Connections / FRINGE

Weird Connections / FRINGE


Fringe. Deleted Scene of Ability

Fringe. Deleted Scene of Ability


Fringe Ability

Fringe Ability


Fringe - Dans les coulisses de "L'épreuve" (1x14)

Fringe - Dans les coulisses de "L'épreuve" (1x14)


Fringe - 1x14 L'épreuve - promo américaine

Fringe - 1x14 L'épreuve - promo américaine


Fringe 1x14 Olivia's Living Room

Fringe 1x14 Olivia's Living Room


Fringe 1x14 "Ability" Promo

Fringe 1x14 "Ability" Promo


Photos promo

Walter (John Noble) examine la victime tandis qu'Olivia (Anna Torv), Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) attendent ses théories

Walter (John Noble) examine la victime tandis qu'Olivia (Anna Torv), Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) attendent ses théories

Phillip (Lance Reddick), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) observent le corps de la victime

Phillip (Lance Reddick), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) observent le corps de la victime

Olivia (Anna Torv) se demande comment elle va pouvoir désamorcer la bombe

Olivia (Anna Torv) se demande comment elle va pouvoir désamorcer la bombe

Olivia (Anna Torv) fait montrer un message sur son téléphone à Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Olivia (Anna Torv) fait montrer un message sur son téléphone à Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) demande à Walter (John Noble) de réussir à soigner David Robert Jones (Jared Harris)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) demande à Walter (John Noble) de réussir à soigner David Robert Jones (Jared Harris)

Peter (Joshua Jackson), Olivia (Anna Torv), Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) et des agents du FBI arrivent sur les lieux où se trouve une bombe

Peter (Joshua Jackson), Olivia (Anna Torv), Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) et des agents du FBI arrivent sur les lieux où se trouve une bombe

Phillip (Lance Reddick), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) regardent Walter qui observe le corps d'une victime

Phillip (Lance Reddick), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) regardent Walter qui observe le corps d'une victime

Phillip (Lance Reddick), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) s'interrogent sur ce qui a pu se passer

Phillip (Lance Reddick), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) s'interrogent sur ce qui a pu se passer

Olivia (Anna Torv) laisse Peter (Joshua Jackson) regarder un message sur son téléphone

Olivia (Anna Torv) laisse Peter (Joshua Jackson) regarder un message sur son téléphone

Peter (Joshua Jackson) demande à Walter (John Noble) de se concentrer sur la guérison de David Robert Jones (Jared Harris)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) demande à Walter (John Noble) de se concentrer sur la guérison de David Robert Jones (Jared Harris)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) renseigne Olivia sur les conclusions de l'autopsie tandis que Walter (John Noble) et Astrid (Jasika Nicole) font des analyses

Peter (Joshua Jackson) renseigne Olivia sur les conclusions de l'autopsie tandis que Walter (John Noble) et Astrid (Jasika Nicole) font des analyses

Walter (John Noble) promène sa vache, Gene, dans le laboratoire

Walter (John Noble) promène sa vache, Gene, dans le laboratoire

Nina Sharp (Blair Brown)

Nina Sharp (Blair Brown)

Olivia (Anna Torv) a réussi à désamorcer la bombe

Olivia (Anna Torv) a réussi à désamorcer la bombe

Peter (Joshua Jackson), Olivia (Anna Torv), Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) et des agents du FBI arrivent sur les lieux où se trouve une bombe

Peter (Joshua Jackson), Olivia (Anna Torv), Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) et des agents du FBI arrivent sur les lieux où se trouve une bombe

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Robert Chiappetta, Glen Whitman, David H. Goodman

Réalisateur : 
Norberto Barba

Guest :
 Jared Harris (David Robert Jones) Michael Gaston (Sanford Harris) Noah Bean Kenneth Tigar (Warden Johann Lennox) Philip LeStrange (Tommie) Chinasa Ogbuagu (NID Agent #1) John Wu (Paramedic) Clark Middleton (Edward Markam) Eric Lenox Abrams (Davis) Adam Ludwig (German Prison Guard #1) Henning Fischer (German Prison Guard #2) Elizabeth Davis (II) (Joanne) Chad Gittens (ND FBI Tech) Anthony Mazza (ND Swat #1) Robert Matzelle (ND Swat #2) et Ben Van Vergen (Client) 

L'avocat de M. Jones, M. Khol, est escorté jusqu'à la cellule de son client, où il se retrouve seul avec lui. Il lui apporte des papiers à signer pour son appel, alors qu'il dessine une jeune femme aux cheveux longs (Olivia peut-être). L'avocat précise qu'au vu des charges retenues contre lui, il peut ésperer au mieux, la perpetuité. A ce moment là, M. Jones saisit violemment le menton de M. Kohl, qu'il fait tourner à 180 degré, jusqu'à ce qu'un bruit de craquèlement s'échappe. M. Jones prend donc les habits de l'avocat, sa montre, prend un comprimé, met des gouttes dans ses yeux, puis applique une crème sur son visage avant de se placer dans un coin de la cellule, entre deux murs perpendiculairement disposés. Une lumière éblouissante surgit au dessus de sa tête...

Un halo de lumière le fait atterir dans un champ. Pendant ce temps là, en Allemagne, les gardes de la prison sont en état d'alerte et se précipitent vers sa cellule ainsi que le directeur. Un de ses officiers lui précise que le périmètre est bouclé et qu'il n'a pas pu sortir de l'enceinte. Le directeur observe les traces noirs laissés sur les murs dans le coin de la cellule par où s'est échappé le condamné...


Olivia entre dans le laboratoire du Docteur Bishop et salue Peter, puis lui demande où est son père. Ce dernier est apparemment en train de traire la vache, Jean. Elle leur annonce l'évasion de Jones et précise qu'il travaillait avec Michael Loeb, qu'elle doit aller interroger incessamment sous peu. Elle demande à Bishop quelle invention Loeb lui a-t-il volé. Walter répond qu'il s'agit d'une machine de téléportation qu'il a surnommé « Désré », combinaison des mots « désintegration » et « réintégration ». Il précise que cela supposerait que la personne reste par la suite, des semaines dans un caisson de décompression, et que si elle survit, elle en patira tôt ou tard...

Jones sort suant d'un caisson de décompression, et un de ses employés lui apporte une serviette. Puis, quelques minutes plus tard, avec une tasse de thé à la main, Jones fait un petit discours à ses sbirs les remerciant de leur loyauté. L'un d'entre eux lui précise que tout ce qui était sur la "liste" est prêt. Jones est satisfait mais remarque que sa main est tremblante.

Sur une grande avenue, un vendeur de journaux très sociable bien qu'un peu bavard, se fait payer par un client portant un chapeau et des lunettes, que l'on aperçoit de dos uniquement, et qui règle avec un billet de deux dollars. Tomie, le vendeur, apprécie. Puis quelques secondes plus tard, une bonne cliente arrive pour acheter des revues, mais Tomie a quelque chose qui lui gratte l'oeil. En quelques minutes, sa peau envahit ses yeux puis comble tous ses orifices: nez, bouche... Tomie marche dans la rue paniqué, demandant de l'aide alors que le phénomène se produit. Mais les gens sont effrayés: certains crient, d'autres s'éloignent ou tentent d'appeler les Urgences. On aperçoit notamment l'Observeur. Tomie finit par s'étouffer...

Charlie fait part à Broyles d'une piste concernant l'avocat de Jones, qui gardait une caisse noire sous un nom d'emprunt. Selon Charlie, ces dossiers financiers sont peut-être liés à Jones.

Olivia attend de pied ferme sa rencontre avec le détenu Michael Loeb, que des militaires lui amènent. Elle lui apprend qu'elle connait la vérité pour lui et Jones, et qu'elle sait que c'est lui qui l'a kidnappée. Elle demande posément où est David Robert Jones. Olivia le menace de le faire transférer dans une prison où les conditions de vie sont apparemment très dangereuses. Il concède alors que même si elle retrouve Jones, il n'est qu'un pion dans « l'armée » et que tout ce qui est « écrit » se réalisera... Elle est un peu déstabilisée par ces révélations mais ne lâche pas des yeux le suspect. Son téléphone sonne, c'est Broyles, elle est attendue avec les Bishop à l'hôpital...

Les quatre protagonistes sont donc en présence du corps aux orifices scellés par de la peau. Au premier coup d'oeil, Walter affirme qu'il a deux pensées qui lui viennent à l'esprit: une mutation qui aurait changé ses lipides afin de reconnaître et sceller tous les orifices et un gâteau moelleux à la canelle!

Olivia souhaite parler avec Peter. Dans les couloirs de l'hôpital, elle lui confie les paroles de Loeb à propos de l'écrit et se demande si leur sigle ZFT ne correspond pas plutôt au nom de leur Bible que de leur organisation. Elle a donc fait des recherches grâce à un contact en Allemagne et a trouvé un ouvrage auto-publié anonymement: « Zerstorung durch Fortschritte der Technologie » qui correspond aux initiales ZFT et veut dire « La Destruction par les Progrès de la Technologie ». Le dernier exemplaire a été détruit il y a dix ans. Olivia fait donc les yeux doux à Peter pour qu'il trouve un de ses « contacts bizarres » qui pourrait retrouver un exemplaire du livre. Peter sourit et dit qu'il connait en effet quelqu'un de bizarre...

Walter, assisté d'Astrid, entreprend de percer un trou au scalpel au niveau de la bouche du défunt Tomie. Il y raccorde immédiatement un tube relié à une poche vide, vers où un gaz se dégage...

Un collègue de Charlie accourt vers ce dernier pour lui apporter les informations trouvées à propos de M. Kohl, qui versait des fonds au ZFT.

Peter et Olivia entrent alors que le libraire, petit et chauve à lunettes, examine un livre qu'il rachète à un client. Peter évite à ce dernier de se faire arnaquer sur la valeur. Le libraire cède et regarde Peter d'un air sévère. Il s'agit de son « contact bizarre », Markam. Ce dernier dit à Olivia qu'il est capable de citer trois livres qu'elle a à son chevet. Mais il est étonné de voir qu'il se trompe étant donné qu'elle lit « La médecine légale avancée »! Peter lui demande de retrouver aujourd'hui le manuscrit...

L'enquête de Charlie avance et il en fait part à Broyles, qui se trouve dans son bureau: un entrepôt à Austin est loué à l'avocat de Jones, dont le courant a été rétabli il y a deux semaines, après des mois de coupure. Broyles fait le lien avec la date d'évasion de Jones et saisit son téléphone pour demander un mandat de perquisition. Au même moment, un agent entre dans le bureau et annonce qu'un certain David Robert Jones se trouve dans le hall du FBI!

Tous les agents descendent en trombe et tiennent en joue Jones qui, sans être perturbé, lève les mains en l'air et dicte à Broyles qu'il ne s'adressera qu'à l'agent Dunham.

Plus tard, Jones est assis en salle d'interrogatoire, alors que Broyles, Dunham et leur supérieur, l'agent Harris, l'observent au travers d'une vitre teintée. Broyles précise qu'il n'a montré aucun signe de résistance et qu'ils ont retrouvé une clé sur lui, Jones voulant certainement qu'ils en aient possession. Le supérieur refuse de céder à la demande du suspect, malgré une argumentation poussée d'Olivia qui précise qu'il n'est pas là contre son gré, il a décidé des termes de son arrestation.

Olivia et Charlie sont en route pour l'intervention dans l'entrepôt alors qu'ils écoutent Peter, au téléphone, qui se trouve dans la librairie de Markam: le manuscrit a été retrouvé. Il leur cite plusieurs passages, annonçant grosso-modo que l'avancée dans les technologies servira pour ce qui ne peut être évité: une guerre...

Les agents du F.B.I. se déploient dans l'entrepôt, alors que personne ne s'y trouve. Olivia trouve un petit meuble avec une tasse de thé et sa théière, ainsi qu'un dessin au fusain d'une jeune femme, où est inscrit sur le côté « Olivia Dunham ». Elle se dirige ensuite vers le caisson de décompression.

Le supérieur entre dans la salle pour faire parler Jones en jouant le dur, mais celui-ci reste impassible. De plus, sa santé semble se dégrader étant donné qu'il tousse, il précise donc qu'il faut procéder au plus vite avant qu'il y ait d'autres morts. Il dicte alors méticuleusement les conditions de son entrevue avec Olivia: il souhaite un talkie-walkie dont on peut retirer les cristaux, un stylo bille, un kit de réparation de lunettes, une montre analogique. Jones souligne que celle de son interlocuteur fera l'affaire. Celui-ci répond ironiquement en lui demandant s'il est sûr de ne rien vouloir d'autre!

Les fouilles se poursuivent. L'agent qui avait aidé Charlie sur la piste de l'avocat, monte un escalier seul et entre dans une pièce, ouvre un tiroir. Il touche un billet de deux dollars...

En bas, Olivia ordonne de tout remballer quand tous entendent un cri de douleur émanant de l'étage supérieur. Ils retrouvent l'agent dont les orifices se referment par sa peau, l'étouffant au passage. Olivia tente de percer sa trachée, il respire à nouveau. Mais la peau se referme une fois de plus. Il est décédé...

Olivia revient de la mission et croise le regard de son supérieur, l'agent Harris qu'elle toise avec mépris, alors que ce dernier enlève sa montre de son poignée.

Un peu plus tard, celui-ci se trouve dans une salle avec des écrans de contrôle: la salle d'interrogatoire où est placé Jones est sur écoute et surveillance vidéo.

Dans la salle d'interrogatoire, Olivia rejoint un Jones affaiblit par sa toux. Elle lui tend un sac avec les éléments qu'il avait demandé. Elle annonce qu'un collègue est mort, il répond qu'il souhaitait éviter cela.

Jones manipule les objets pour en réalité créer un brouilleur artisanal qui coupe la réception audio et visuelle de l'agent Harris. L'intimité étant de mise dans ce tête à tête, Olivia commence en l'accusant du phénomène qui s'est produit pour le vendeur de journaux Thomas Avery, puis son collègue. Jones répond qu'il est en effet responsable et que d'autres choses pires sont à venir. La condition sous laquelle il lui en dévoilera plus, est qu'Olivia passe un test...

Il annonce ensuite qu'un van blanc transporte en ce moment une bombe particulière qui étendra le phénomène à des milliers de personnes, dans 16 heures. Mais elle doit d'abord passer le test: il lui indique l'endroit d'où provient la clé de consigne retrouvée sur lui.

L'agent Harris entre et met fin à l'entretien. Olivia sort avec lui et dévoile ce qu'il lui a dit. Elle précise aussi qu'elle a besoin de deux heures seule...

Plus tard, Olivia roule en dehors de la ville, elle est au téléphone avec Peter. Ils ont découvert le phénomène, avec Walter, il s'agit d'une toxine en poudre absorbée par la peau, qui déclenche l'hyperactivité des protéines de cicatrisation. Olivia demande où en est l'antidote que prépare Walter, Peter répond qu'il y travaille en ce moment même. Il ajoute, concernant le manuscrit qu'il s'agit plus ou moins d'un appel aux armes mais reste à savoir contre qui.

Après avoir raccroché, Peter cherche l'ouvrage, qui est en fait dans les mains de Walter. Ce dernier précise qu'il a commencé à le lire seulement quand il allait aux toilettes mais que maintenant, il le trouve fascinant!

Alors que Walter cite un long passage du texte, Olivia se retrouve à l'adresse dite par Jones et trouve une caisse qu'elle ouvre avec la clé.

Finalement, Olivia ramène le contenu de la boîte au laboratoire de Bishop. Elle contient des tests avec des cartes, une plaquette avec des ampoules et une lettre destinée à Olivia: elle doit passer le premier test. Il s'agit d'une plaquette sur laquelle la surface est amplie de mini ampoules, que la « recrue » doit éteindre, sans appuyer sur l'interrupteur bien sûr! Olivia doit donc utiliser son cerveau...Elle commence à observer la plaquette, sans un seul bruit de fond, mais finalement son téléphone sonne, elle sourit devant le ridicule de la situation puis décroche. C'est Charlie qui l'informe qu'un Van blanc a été loué la veille à New Heaven au nom d'Olivia Dunham...

Olivia avance rapidemment dans un couloir, pour aller voir Jones, qui visiblement se fout d'elle. Mais elle est talonnée par l'agent Harris qui veut l'en dissuader. Olivia lui rappelle que la dernière fois qu'ils ont fait à sa manière, un agent est mort. Harris reste bouche bée et s'efface.

Olivia se retrouve donc face à Jones, mal en point, qui lui dit qu'elle doit passer son premier test, pour faire partie des leurs, qu'elle fait partie de ceux traités au cortexiphan, c'est pour cela qu'ils l'avaient kidnappé, pour vérifier que c'était bien le cas. Olivia s'énerve et lui dit qu'elle en a assez de ce jeu d'esprit et qu'il doit coopérer. Jones s'impatiente aussi et confie que ce n'est pas un jeu et que la tâche est réllement possible à réaliser puis il tombe de son siège, convulsant...

Jones est amené par des urgentistes à Walter, afin qu'il le stabilise. Mais il est fasciné par cette homme qui s'est téléporté. Peter lui demande de se concentrer.

Peter rejoint ensuite Olivia dans une autre pièce. Celle-ci a trouvé une piste sur le cortexiphan qui est une substance brevetée par Massive Dynamics mais pas approuvée. Avant de partir, elle fait une fois de plus les yeux doux à Peter afin qu'il trouve un moyen de tricher avec le test des ampoules, pour que Jones parle.

Olivia demande à Nina Sharp des informations sur le cortexiphan. Cette dernière jette un coup d'oeil sur un petit appareil tactile. Olivia remarque que Nina a du mal avec sa main resynthétisée. Nina trouve alors que le Cortexiphan a été administré à des enfants, par le Docteur Bell, qui pensait que l'esprit humain est capable de beaucoup plus mais qu'il est limité par des facteurs comme la vie professionnelle, les émotions... La substance aurait donc eu pour effet d'inhiber ces limitations. Mais le test n'a donné aucun résultat satisfaisant et l'étude a été abandonnée en 1983. Elle avait été menée dans l'Université de l'Ohio uniquement.

Olivia, dans sa voiture, téléphone ensuite à Peter pour lui dire qu'elle n'a jamais reçu cette substance, étant donné qu'en 1981 elle vivait en Floride sur une base navale avec son père. Peter confie qu'il a réussi à reprogrammer la boîte à ampoules.

Walter injecte un produit à Jones qui se réveille alors. Ce dernier est fasciné de rencontrer l'inventeur de la machine de téléportation. Olivia lui dit qu'il reste deux heures avant que la bombe n'explose et qu'elle peut passer le test. Elle s'assied donc devant la boîte à ampoule, les allume à l'aide de l'interrupteur prévu à cet effet, puis les regarde, concentrée. Au bout de quelques secondes, elles s'éteignent progressivement une à une. Jones la remercie et lui donne l'adresse où est placée la bombe...

Olivia rejoint Charlie à l'adresse en question, où la Police a déjà fait évacuer le secteur du bâtiment. Tout en montant pour lui montrer la bombe, il lui confie que les démineurs n'ont jamais vu cela et qu'ils ne peuvent pas y toucher. Ainsi, ils arrivent à l'étage et se retrouvent en face de la « bombe », placée sur la façade en verre de l'immeuble et contenant au centre une plaquette remplie de petites ampoules! Il reste moins de quatre minutes...

Olivia, devant la bombe, appelle Astrid et lui dit que Jones sait qu'ils l'ont berné et qu'elle doit lui parler. Il lui confie que le seul moyen est qu'elle éteigne, sans y toucher, les ampoules, qu'il a foi en elle et qu'elle doit passer ce test pour faire partie de « l'armée ». Olivia ordonne de faire sortir tout le monde, retire son manteau puis se retourne vers la bombe. Peter lui dit qu'il faut sortir, qu'il s'en va, qu'elle est folle de rester. Mais en réalité, il restera, bien qu'elle n'y prête pas attention.

Le face à face entre Olivia et les ampoules, dans un calme plat, fait monter le suspens. Les ampoules s'éteignent ensuite progressivement. Peter n'en croit pas ses yeux. Olivia a réussi, la bombe s'arrête deux secondes avant d'exploser. Olivia est troublée et ne sais pas comment elle a fait cela.

En même temps, Astrid reçoit un coup de fil. En raccrochant, alors que des agents emmènent Jones, ce dernier lui demande si elle a réussi. Astrid répond que oui. Il est aux anges.

Plus tard, toujours dans le bâtiment, Olivia explique à Peter que la bombe a certainement été programmée pour ne pas exploser. Peter défend quant à lui la possibilité qu'elle ait réellement pu réussir. Puis lâche l'affaire et l'invite à boire un verre (ou cinq), pour fêter leur survie. Mais elle veut aller poser des questions à Jones, transféré à l'hôpital.

Astrid félicite Walter pour sa machine de téléportation, même si au final, elle tue la personne téléportée. Walter se retourne vers elle et lui confie que ça a des effets secondaires incroyables, mais que ça ne tue pas...

Olivia est dans les couloirs et se dirige vers la chambre de Jones. Une fois qu'elle y est, elle ne trouve personne dans le lit, et un énorme cratère sur le mur, d'où il s'est visiblement échappé! Elle se retourne, et sur le mur opposé, lit le message qu'il lui a laissé: « You passed » (soit « Vous avez réussi »).

Walter, dans un bureau, continue de lire le manuscrit. On remarque que la lettre « y » est toujours excentrée vers le haut par rapport aux autres, dans tout le texte.

Elle est assoupie sur son fauteuil, quand son téléphone sonne: c'est Nina Sharp. Elle l'informe que sa main va mieux et qu'elle a creusé un peu plus et a trouvé que les tests concernant la cortexiphan, ont aussi été faits sur un plus petit échantillon, en Floride, sur une base navale...Olivia est déconcertée.

Walter ressort son ancienne machine à taper et entreprend un petit test. Il prend une feuille et y tape le mot « Ability ». Pour la dernière lettre, il est un peu hésitant, mais finit par l'écrire. Sur la feuille, on peut voir que le « y » est excentré vers le haut, comme dans le manuscrit! Walter semble avoir saisi qu'il est l'auteur du manuscrit et demeure pensif...

Le script provient du site : FRINGEPEDIA


(Wissenschaft Prison, attorney Salman Kohl is escorted to visit his client, Mister Jones)

SALMAN KOHL: (entering the secured room) Mister Jones.

DAVID JONES: Mister Kohl. (sits sketching Dunham)

SALMAN KOHL: I have your appeal request all prepared and ready to go. It goes without saying the German government are not big fans of yours. You did, after all, steal state secrets. I think that the best that we can hope for is 'life', hmm? (turns back to Jones) Now, all I need is your signature. (neck is snapped by Jones)

(Jones prepares for teleportation, disappears in a beam of light, reappears in a beam of light near Little Hill Field, MA; guards run the corridors of the prison)

(rest of prologue in German. first hallway)

GUARD 1: Sound the alarm!

(a second hallway)

GUARD 2: The perimeter is sealed!

GUARD 3: Have they checked the cameras?

GUARD 2: They're checking again now!

(approaching & in the cell)

GUARD 3: That's impossible.

GUARD 4: (to the Warden) All protocol was followed, sir. The facility is on lockdown. We don't know what happened here.

JOHAN LENNOX: But we do know... that the prisoner in this cell is gone. (staring at the dead attorney and the scorched walls)


Walter's Lab - A Chat

OLIVIA: (walking in) Is your father about?

PETER: Right here. Why don't you ask him what he's doing?

OLIVIA: I'd rather not. (as Walter mucks around Gene's udders) Listen. Do you remember that prisoner Jones I went to see...

PETER: ...in Germany, right?

OLIVIA: He escaped.

PETER: Good for him. How?

OLIVIA: Uh, nobody knows. It makes no sense. The German authorities came to see me last night.

PETER: How come when nobody knows and it doesn't make sense, they come to us?

OLIVIA: well, what we do know is that Jones was working with Mitchell Loeb.

WALTER: Oh, I remember Loeb. That's the guy that stole my invention?

OLIVIA: Yeah. I'm gonna go and talk to him now. But can you describe to me again what you made? What Loeb was stealing.

PETER: And why don't you tell her the truth this time. He kind of sugar-coated last time around.

OLIVIA: You did? Why? Is it something that could have helped Jones escape?

WALTER: It was a - transportation device. I called it 'DizRay', coined based on the premise disintegration, reintegration, dis-re, 'DizRay'.

OLIVIA: Are you saying that you created a...

PETER: ...a teleportation system, yeah. Except for, this one was meant to travel through time. How's that?

WALTER: Assuming someone could solve the considerable problems, coming through it - arriving would require weeks of decompression in a barometric tank. And if you survived that, based on what would happen next... you'd likely wished you hadn't.

OLIVIA: So you're saying that Jones, in theory, could have zapped himself out of prison.

WALTER: Uh... yes. (nods)

Jones' Safe House

DAVIS: Equilibrium has been reached. Decompression is complete. (The barometric tank steams open and out climbs David Jones) Welcome back sir.

DAVID JONES: Cup of tea, please?

DAVIS: Of course.

DAVID JONES: (later, to his gathered colleagues) Firstly, I'd like to thank you, for the work you've done. For bringing me here. I understand there have been sacrifices. I am grateful to them, as I am to you. Everything is in order then.

DAVIS: Yes sir. The list is complete. We've got a lab set to your specifications.

DAVID JONES: And the sealant?

DAVIS: All parts.

DAVID JONES: Good. (hand shakes as he sips his tea)

Downtown Newsstand - Curbside

THOMAS AVERY: (to a browser) Hey, you know it's not a library here, you know? - and I don't make loans. (A male patron wearing a latex glove approaches, selects a paper and pays) That is seventy-five cents my friend. Of course it's old news now, given the old internet and all that. You must be an old traditionalist like myself, right? Hey, hey, hey, I like these. You don't see the two dollar very often. (patron walks off) Thanks. I'll keep it.

JOANNE: (approaches) Okay, so Tommie... you were right.

THOMAS AVERY: Yeah, you see that? Grace Kelly?

JOANNE: She was good. But, Jimmy Stewart was better.

THOMAS AVERY: I'm creatin' cinephiles one reader at a time. Now listen, I want you to check out a movie called, uh, Charade... ever seen it?

JOANNE: Never heard of it.

THOMAS AVERY: Uh, oh god. Oh. I guess there's somethin' in my eyes.

JOANNE: You okay?

THOMAS AVERY: Uh oh god.

JOANNE: Tommie, you okay? (he turns and his face has 'skinned' over) Oh. My god aaahh! Oh Tommie. Tommie! He can't breathe, he can't breathe. (as the man spasms on the ground)


Federal Building - Research

BROYLES: Anything yet?

CHARLIE: (overlooking a young shoulder) We might be on to something. Uhh... nothing local on Jones. But, uh... we found some financial records for Salman Kohl - Jones's attorney.

BROYLES: The man found dead in Jone's cell?

CHARLIE: He kept a slush fund that he maintained under an assumed name.

BROYLES: Could be a mistress...

CHARLIE: Or something less salicious... more interesting.

BROYLES: Let me know if you find something useful.

Squeezing Loeb

(Olivia awaits as a HumVee pulls up to the center of a damp parking lot full of military 'motor pool' vehicles. it stops and two armed military guards lift the shackled Mitchell Loeb off of the aft ramp)

OLIVIA: I know about David Robert Jones. I know that you helped him escape. And that you kidnapped me on that same night. You know where Jones is.

MITCHELL LOEB: You're not someone I... really wanna work with.

OLIVIA: (steps forward. reading papers) Your Transfer Order... to Wallens Ridge State Prison. (snidely) You know what that place is like Mitchell. You know what they're gonna do to you... what it's gonna be like the first night?... the second?

MITCHELL LOEB: (interjecting)... doesn't matter if you find Jones or not. He's just a part of 'the army'. - - What was written will come to pass - and nothing you do can stop that - -. --nothing--.

OLIVIA: (at a loss for words, her cell phone rings. glaring at Loeb) Agent Dunham. (listens) It's me. (Broyles) Get the Bishops and meet me at Boston General.

Boston General Hospital

BROYLES: (entering an examination room with the science team) His name is Thomas Avery. Runs a news stand downtown. His only prior physical conditions were high cholesterol and a weak bladder. According to witnessess, the whole thing happened in less than two minutes.

WALTER: Ceramides. They act as a signalling molecule in the skin. They control how the cells grow and differentiate. Two thoughts come to mind. The first, that this affliction might have been caused by a mutation, changing these lipids to recognize and seal any and all orifices... did they check his anus and penis?

PETER: You think we could get the answer to that question without me in the room?

OLIVIA: What was the other thought?

WALTER: Sorry?

OLIVIA: You said two thoughts came to mind.

WALTER: Ah yes... the other was - coffee cake! Tiny pebbles of cinnamon sugar.

PETER: (to Broyles) Once again - my father.

OLIVIA: (to Broyles) You know what this is.

BROYLES: (to Olivia) You think... Jones?

WALTER: Peter. Help me with this please.

BROYLES: (to Olivia) You talked to Loeb. Did he give you anything?

OLIVIA: Maybe. But nothing that relates to this exactly.

BROYLES: Well, I'm not convinced that this is Jones' work. And what interest would he have in a news stand operator?

OLIVIA: That's what we're going to find out. Peter!... You got a sec?

(in the corridors of the hospital)

OLIVIA: When I saw Loeb he said something. That Jones was only doing what had been written.

PETER: Meaning what? Written where?

OLIVIA: I didn't know, but we've never known what Jones's group Z.F.T. stood for. Maybe it's not the name of their organization, but, what if it's the name of their bible?

PETER: Interesting...

OLIVIA: So, I called a contact at the German authorities and I asked him to search any known document with those initials.

PETER: Did he find anything?

OLIVIA: Yes - he did. (hands him her PDA)

PETER: "Zerstorung durch Fortschritte der Technologie"

PETER/OLIVIA: (together) Zee - Eff - Tee.

OLIVIA: Scroll down.

PETER: (loosely) "Destruction by Advancement of Technology".

OLIVIA: It's a self-published anonymous manuscript. On their records only because it was recovered as evidence in a police raid in an unrelated case.

PETER: They sending it to us?

OLIVIA: They would be - if it hadn't been destroyed ten years ago. So... I was hoping that you might have one of your - weird connections?

PETER: (feigning insult) Weird connections?

OLIVIA: (not wanting to offend) They're... always a little weird.

PETER: (mocking like an older brother) Well, you're always a little weird.

OLIVIA: (waiting) What do you think? Come on.

PETER: (letting her off the hook). I think I've got a weird connection.

Walter's Lab - Examining Avery

ASTRID: (about the corpse) Is he contagious?

WALTER: If he were contagious, we'd have several more orifice-less bodies by now. Scalpel please? And an empty I.V. bag.

ASTRID: Empty I.V. bag? What exactly are we doing here?

WALTER: The obvious. Searching for evidence. Any scientific clue to reveal what caused this - Hear no evil, Speak no evil, See no evil malady. The gas trapped within his body (entubates the sealed mouth) may yield important information. Worth the study. (Astrid gags) Oh dear God... that is putrid. (nonchalant) On a separate topic, do you like coffee cake?

Federal Building - A Lead

DOOMED AGENT: (catching-up from behind) Take at look at this. I, um.. know someone at the S.E.C. I had her send over a list of every business that Jones's lawyer has incorporated for his clients over the last three years. Figure one, or more, of them are used to funnel cash to the Z.F.T.

CHARLIE: This is all protected by lawyer-client privilege. How did you get her to break that?

DOOMED AGENT: We, uh, dated... in college. And she dumped me - bad. So, I told her she owed me one. (gets disapproving stare) I, I narrowed down the list to U.S. addresses only.

CHARLIE: Good work. (walks away with the file)

Book Store - An Old Friend

EDWARD MARKAM: (to a patron) It's no first folio. Some tanning, pretty badly shelf-cocked. I can give you forty for it.


PETER: (interrupting) You don't wanna make that deal. (inspects book being bargained over) First Edition - (The) "Land of Laughs"? (to patron) No matter what condition it's in, it's worth at least twice that.

MALE PATRON: (gets the extra money from Markam) Thanks.

EDWARD MARKAM: Have a great day. (to Peter as they head to the back of the shop) Was that really necessary?

PETER: Ah, you know me Markam... 'Friend of the People'...

EDWARD MARKAM: What about me? Aren't I people?

PETER: ...people who shower.

EDWARD MARKAM: Huh. (spies Olivia) Who's this friend?

OLIVIA: Olivia Dunham.

EDWARD MARKAM: (gregariously) Five dollars I can name at least one item on your night stand Oliva Dunham. Don't tell me... you're gonna like this - I'm never wrong. It's a gift... okay. Toni Morrison Novel, something by Obama, and/or the current issue of Bon Appetit.

OLIVIA: Uh. I'm reading 'Advanced Forensic Science' by Annemann. I keep it next to my gun.

EDWARD MARKAM: hoh... I like this one.

PETER: This one's just a friend and we need a favor. An anonymous self-published manuscript.

EDWARD MARKAM: Uh-huh. 'Destruction by Advancement of Technology' - sounds sexy and very challenging.

OLIVIA: ...and Peter says you're good.

EDWARD MARKAM: Well, he also says that you're just a friend, so...

PETER: (less tolerant) ...the book Markam. We need it.

EDWARD MARKAM: Today - right?

PETER: Right. (starts to depart) Impress me.

EDWARD MARKAM: Nothing interests me less than impressing you.

Federal Building - Surprise Visit

CHARLIE: (finds the boss in his office) I think I might have something. Warehouse building in Allston, leased to Jone's attorney. Power was cut-off for months - two weeks ago it was turned back on.

BROYLES: The day Jones escaped from prison.

CHARLIE: Could be a 'safe house'.

BROYLES: (picks-up phone and speed dials out) This is Broyles. I need a search warrant authorized.

COWORKER: (barging in) Sir.

BROYLES: (motions her to wait) Yeah, a warehouse in Allston.

COWORKER: (insisting) Sir. This can't wait.

BROYLES: What is it?

COWORKER: There's a man downstairs - says his name is David Robert Jones.

(law enforcement agents rush to the first floor lobby)

CHARLIE: Everybody down! (echoed)

AGENTS: Down!.. down!.. down! Don't move! Stay calm!

BROYLES: (from the balcony) Jones!

CHARLIE: (drawing his pistol at near point blank) Freeze!

DAVID JONES: (arms spread wide) I will speak only with Agent Olivia Dunham.


Federal Building - Harris Speaks

(in the observation room, discussing Jones in the next room)

SANFORD HARRIS: ...and he just turned himself in?

BROYLES: Two hours ago. Said he'd only speak to Agent Dunham. Hasn't said a word since.

SANFORD HARRIS: Anything else? Anything on how he escaped from prison?

BROYLES: No information. Just another question. A key.


BROYLES: It was found on him when he turned himself in. There are no markings on it. Forensics are doing their thing. He wanted us to find it.

OLIVIA: He wants to talk to me. Let me in there.

SANFORD HARRIS: Jones doesn't get to dictate the terms of his captivity.

OLIVIA: He wouldn't be a captive if it wasn't under his terms. The only reason Jones is here is because he wants to be.

SANFORD HARRIS: Well, that may be the case, but the United States doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

OLIVIA: That's exactly the kind of arrogance he's expecting.

SANFORD HARRIS: What did you say?

OLIVIA: The man was clever enough to Star Trek himself out of a maximum security German prison, elude InterPol, arrive in Boston, and get himself apprehended - simply because he liked the idea. He's expecting us to reject his request.

SANFORD HARRIS: And your choice is what? Give Jones what he wants - to demonstrate that we can be anti-dogmatic?

BROYLES: I don't think that's what you're saying. Is it Agent Dunham?

OLIVIA: Since he arrived in town, an innocent man was killed in a shocking and gruesome way.

SANFORD HARRIS: We don't know that was Jones.

OLIVIA: It was Jones, and he has more planned.

SANFORD HARRIS: And you know that how?

OLIVIA: I don't know how to justify a hunch.

BROYLES: (tired of the bickering) Sanford. I don't see any harm...

SANFORD HARRIS: ...this isn't a gentleman's club, Miz Dunham. Mister Jones doesn't just get to choose the pretty one. You wanna get him to talk? Join the raid on that warehouse in Allston... see what you find.

OLIVIA: How is that...

SANFORD HARRIS: ...relevant? Well, because right now, he's just an escaped prisoner. But if he's playing games, as you say, I doubt he's here to help us. Show me some hard evidence that connects him to that incident downtown. (Harris leaves. Broyles gives Olivia a head nod yes - do it)

Raiding the Safe House

OLIVIA: (driving and answering her cell phone) Agent Dunham

PETER: (calling from the bookstore) I got it. The Z.F.T. book.

OLIVIA: Stop it. Already?

PETER: Markam found some guy who collects scientific ephemera. He had a copy in his basement. (flips through the document) This thing was never published. It was never even proofed, but, check this out. 'The advances of science, which are supposed to expand our knowledge of the universe, will, if not carefully controlled, destroy the world as we know it'.

OLIVIA: So it's light reading?

PETER: Wait. It gets better. 'Our technological ambition has not only driven us to the brink of catastrophe, the catastrophe has already begun. What will the Apocalypse look like? The answer, to use a term generally understood, but the specifics of which you cannot imagine, and which this document will attempt to describe, is warfare'. And that's just the foreward.

OLIVIA: Well keep reading.

PETER: Will do. Where you headed?

OLIVIA: We're going to raid a building that we think may be a 'safe house'.

(led by Olivia and Charlie, more than a dozen agents and officers in tactical gear swarm into a large industrial garage area with flashlights on and weapons drawn. they disperse)

ALPHA RADIOMAN: Alpha Team Clear.




CHARLIE: (aprroaches Olivia as she finds a sketch) What is it?

OLIVIA: It's me... he was here.

CHARLIE: (to everyone around him) I want everything bagged and tagged. Move fast! (Olivia inspects the decompression chamber)

Harris Interviews Jones

SANFORD HARRIS: (enters the interrogation room, takes off his jacket) I'd like to ask you some questions.

DAVID JONES: Oh, I believe I've made myself clear. There is another I wish to speak to.

SANFORD HARRIS: I afraid Agent Dunham is pre-occupied. Lucky you - you get me. (Jones coughs repeatedly) You don't look well.

DAVID JONES: Which is why I was hoping to speak with Agent Dunham as soon as possible. I prefer to avoid any additional, unnecessary deaths. Now, when Agent Dunham comes to see me, I will require the following items: a standard walkie-talkie with removable crystals, metallic ballpoint pen, and an eye glass repair kit. An analog wrist watch. Your watch would do.

SANFORD HARRIS: You sure you don't need anything else?

DAVID JONES: Quite sure, yes.

Inspecting the Safe House

(an agent, off on his own, is looking through rooms and finds a desk with a two dollar bill in one of the drawers)

OLIVIA: (joins Charlie) Anything?

CHARLIE: Nothing criminal.

OLIVIA: Alright. Let's lock it up and get back. (looks toward source of doomed agent yelling)

CHARLIE: (races upstairs with Olivia and find the agent with his eyelids sealed shut) What the hell?!

OLIVIA: I need a med kit! Now! (to Charlie) Quick. Help me hold him. He's suffocating. I need to 'trach' him. (she scalpels an opening in the agents' lower throat and inserts the breathing tube) Oh, come on. Okay, breathe. Okay. He's breathing. (as the agents' skin rapidly grows over the tube and his face - killing him) No... no, no, no, no, no.

Federal Building - Post Raid

(Olivia and Charlie walk through the situation room full of sad faces, Harris drops his wristwatch in a paper sack)

SANFORD HARRIS: (in the surveillance room) Where are we?

TECH SUPPORT: We've got audio. Visual coming up right now.

SANFORD HARRIS: Move in closer on this. I want to record every twitch.

(in the interrogation room)

DAVID JONES: (Olivia enters as he coughs) Oh finally. A welcome face.

OLIVIA: A colleague of mine just died. (sits down) He was twenty-seven years old. He was due to get married next month.

DAVID JONES: Yes. I tried to prevent that. Your Agent Harris needed some convincing.

OLIVIA: Here I am.

DAVID JONES: Have you brought the items I requested? (she slides the sack across the table to him) This will only take a moment.

SANFORD HARRIS: (to the surveillance tech) Pull in tighter on this, on the hands. (as Jones disassembles the radio) What the hell is he doing? That's a thousand dollar watch. (Jones initiates a jamming signal with piercing feedback) WHOA! What's happening in there?

TECH SUPPORT: I don't know.

DAVID JONES: Now I've... managed to get us some privacy... it's just you and me now. But we haven't much time.

OLIVIA: You were responsible for what happened to Thomas Avery.

DAVID JONES: Simply the stage setter. An example that doesn't need to be followed.

OLIVIA: Well, that implies that you're planning something else.

DAVID JONES: Something far worse... yes.

OLIVIA: What is it?

DAVID JONES: First. I need your services.

OLIVIA: What the hell do you want?

DAVID JONES: I need you to pass a test.

(in the observation room)

SANFORD HARRIS: (barging-in) Get them the hell outt there. That device he's made is blocking our surveillance equipment.

BROYLES: He can't hurt us Sanford. He's just trying to show you who's in charge.

(in the interrogation room)

DAVID JONES: When I turned myself in there was a key in my pocket, as I'm sure you are aware. Take the key, which I assume is in Forensics, go to Salem, and the amusement park on Policy Street. I left something there for you. (grunts and keels over)

OLIVIA: You need medical attention.

DAVID JONES: (struggling) All of the assistance... in this world... could not cure me Miz Dunham. It seems that... when one is dematerialized on a molecular level and then reassembled - there are certain unadvertised side effects. But who knows? Perhaps this task I have for you could lead to something that might help me.

OLIVIA: Tell me about the attack that you're planning.

DAVID JONES: I wouldn't call it that. I'd call it an insurance policy.

OLIVIA: I don't care what you'd call it.

DAVID JONES: Even as we speak, a white cargo van is transporting an explosive device capable of killing several hundred people in the manner of the newspaper salesman and your deceased F.B.I. colleague.

OLIVIA: When is it set to go off?

DAVID JONES: Sixteen hours from now.

OLIVIA: Before anything, you are going to disable that...

DAVID JONES: ...NO. You are. But first, there's the matter of the key.

SANFORD HARRIS: (barging-in) That's enough. (to Olivia) I want you out of this room.

DAVID JONES: Don't worry Miz Dunham. If I wanted to harm you, I would have. Long ago. (Olivia leaves. to Harris) Apologies... about the watch.

(walking the corridor to the elevator, donning her coat, briefing Broyles and Harris)

OLIVIA: Jones is planting a device somewhere. Capable of killing more people in the same way that guy from the newsstand died. He won't say where or when. But we need eevery white van rented in the last forty-eight hours tracked down. In the meantime, I need two hours alone.

SANFORD HARRIS: Why? Where are going?

OLIVIA: To get a massage. (enters elevator) I'll tell you when I get back.


Manifesto Clues at the Lab

OLIVIA: (on cell phone, driving) Hey, it's me. Where are we at?

PETER: We know how the folks end up faceless. It's a powdered toxin absorbed through the skin. It triggers a hyperactivity in the protein responsible for scar tissue... you want any more detail than that?

OLIVIA: Uh, not really. Did you hear that Jones turned himself in?

PETER: Yeah, I did. Did you get anything?

OLIVIA: Yeah - that he's crazy... and that he's planning on using that toxin again - and soon. How's Walter coming with the antidote?

PETER: He's working on it. He says, and I quote - 'it'll be ready when it's ready, and not a moment before'.

OLIVIA: Great. Anything more in the manuscript that might suggest what Jones' end game is?

PETER: Well, it reads like a happy combo between an anti-science manifesto and a 'call-to-arms'.

OLIVIA: A 'call-to-arms' against whom?

PETER: Exactly. I'll call you back when I get to the good part.

OLIVIA: Yeah. Please do. Maybe it will help us figure out where this next attack is gonna be. I'll be back as soon as I get the package Jones left me.

PETER: Okay. (hangs-up)

WALTER: Was that Olivia?

PETER: Yeah. (approaches Walter's workdesk) Where's the manuscript?

WALTER: Is she bringing coffee cake?

PETER: No. She's not getting food. Have you seen the manuscript that I was reading earlier?

WALTER: (uncovers the document) It's fascinating, isn't it? I was just reading it while sitting on the crapper.

PETER: Please? No more information than that - can I have it back?

WALTER: I must read you one excerpt.

PETER: Great. Well grab the blankie - it's nap time.

WALTER: (voiceover as Olivia drives) We think we understand reality. But our universe is only one of many. The unknown truth is that the way to travel between them has already been discovered - by beings, much like us, but whose history is slightly ahead of our own. The negative aspect of such visitation will be irreversible both to our world and to theirs. (Olivia arrives in a deserted alley lined with locked storages) It will begin with a series of unquantifiable natural occurrences - difficult to notice at first - but growing, not unlike a cancer, until a simple fact becomes undeniable. Only one world will survive. (Olivia remove a box full of items from a container and opens it) It will either be us - or them.

Skill Test at the Lab

OLIVIA: (reading the letter from the box to the science team) Miss Dunham, I know how this appears, that I've sent you quite a distance to pick-up a box of children's games. But what I've hidden here is not a game at all. You are holding an evaluation system. A series of tests designed to cultivate specific innate skills present in particular individuals. Do the first test only. Complete it successfully, and come back to see me. Do this and no one else will die.

PETER: I got the instructions.

OLIVIA: So, Jones is threatening to kill hundreds of people unless I take a test.

ASTRID: No - unless you pass a test.

OLIVIA: Fine. What does passing a test have to do with Jones killing innocent people?

PETER: In a word - insanity. You can't pose rational questions when you're dealing with a guy like Jones.

WALTER: Indeed. And whatever Mister Jones' true goal may be... we only have eight hours left until his next attack.

PETER: (opens a shoebox size wood case with a 7X7 grid of small lights) Test One... of ten, by the way. Turn switch on. The recruit sits no more than twenty-four inches away from the device, but cannot touch the light board. Recruit focuses on light board. the object of the test is to systematically shut down the lights so that ultimately, none are illuminated.


PETER: (sarcastically) Using all your magic powers, I guess.

WALTER: Curious. The instructions refer to the recruit. The author of the manuscript uses the same term. (reading from the manuscript) ...Many warriors of the inevitable confrontation are among us now - but before they can be considered soldiers, they must be regarded as recruits. And the expectation must be that they shall be unwilling.

OLIVIA: So, I am supposed to just turn these lights off by looking at them.

PETER: Well, it wouldn't be much of a test if we could just take out the battery.

OLIVIA: (activates the light board) Fine. (looks at others half-serious. becomes serious and starts to lose herself in the lights. is startled as her phone rings. everyone smiles. she sighs. answers phone) Dunham.

CHARLIE: We just got a hit. Steady Car Rentals in New Haven leased a white van yesterday morning. You're gonna love this - to one - Olivia Dunham.


CHARLIE: Oh yeah, he's messing with you Liv. got local police scouring the area. So far, no luck.

OLIVIA: Thanks Charlie. This is just a stupid mind game. (walking away)

PETER: Where are you going?

OLIVIA: To end it.

Federal Building - Jones Admission

(in hallway)

SANFORD HARRIS: I will not let him use that device again. If you're gonna meet with Jones, I want full surveillance this time.

OLIVIA: Sir. The last time you got your way, we lost a good agent. Do you really want to get in the way again? (waits for a reply) We have less than seven hours before something truly horrific will happen - something that I am trying to stop. And for some reason, Jones is out to get me. So sir, would you please let me handle this? (Harris takes the brow-beating and wanders off)

(in the interrogation room)

OLIVIA: (places the jamming device on the table) I got your test kit.

DAVID JONES: You didn't bring it?

OLIVIA: No. I didn't need to 'cause this is...

DAVID JONES: ...your reluctance is to be expected.

OLIVIA: I know what you're doing Mister Jones.

DAVID JONES: I'm trying to get you to pass Test Number One.

OLIVIA: I know about the manuscript. The Manifesto. Z.F.T. I know that you believe that there's some kind of a war coming...

DAVID JONES: ...you read it?...

OLIVIA: ...and that you are recruiting warriors. That's the word that you use, isn't it?

DAVID JONES: You don't believe that you're worthy?

OLIVIA: I believe that everybody... maybe even you... is entitled to their own belief system, but somehow, you got me into your head.

DAVID JONES: Somehow? Yes. You are among those treated with Cortexiphan. It's why we had you taken. We needed confirmation. Something which requires a 'spinal tap'. The next step, had you not escaped, was to convince you of this.

OLIVIA: I have never been treated with Cortexiphan. I haven't even heard of it.

DAVID JONES: You wouldn't have.

OLIVIA: Well, I don't believe you Mister Jones. What I believe is that you've created some ridiculous scenario where people's lives rely on me attempting, and failing, what is obviously an impossible task.

DAVID JONES: (distressed) The task is hardly impossible!

OLIVIA: I will not let these people die because of some stupid game that you're playing.

DAVID JONES: (louder) This is no game!

OLIVIA: You need to cooperate Mister Jones.

DAVID JONES: (agonized) No Miz Dunham! It is you who needs to cooperate. (falls to floor handcuffed to chair)

OLIVIA: Mister Jones?

Walter's Lab - Delivering Jones

PARAMEDIC: (wheeling Jones in on gurney and briefing Peter) Pulse is slowing down - fifty beats per minute.

PETER: (pointing across lab) Get him up there. Astrid! Set up the E.K.G.

WALTER: Is this the patient? (Gene follows on a tether)

PETER: Walter... put the cow away would you?

PARAMEDIC: (looking at the backside of Gene) What is this place?

PETER: It's a freak show. Thanks for your help. Thank you. (as the paramedics leave)


Walter's Lab - Gathering Facts

(gathered around Jones)

WALTER: You understand, this man teleported through space. His molecules disintegrating and reintegrating. The very implications of it... We need a video camera - we should record this.

PETER: Walter - this man is our only chance to stop a device that could kill a lot of innocent people. I need you to stabilize him.

WALTER: Of course.

PETER: Okay.

WALTER: Point taken. I'll do a thorough exam. meanwhile, get me 50 cc's of saline, please.

PETER: Hey Astrid - do you mind?


(Peter finds his way to Olivia's workspace, where she is on the phone)

OLIVIA: No... of course they did. Why am I not surprised? Thanks Charlie. (hangs-up)

PETER: Anything?

OLIVIA: Yeah, that drug Jones claims is in my body... Cortexiphan, it's a drug patented, but not approved by, the FDA.

PETER: Patented to whom?

OLIVIA: ...to Massive Dynamic.

PETER: (scoffs) Why am I not surprised?

OLIVIA: That's what I just said... Jones?

PETER: Walter's replenishing his fluids right now, but he's still gonna have to give him a full exam before we even know if we can wake him back up.

OLIVIA: Look. I'm gonna go find out what I can about Cortexiphan - but in the meantime, he is actually expecting me to be able to do it.

PETER: To do what?

OLIVIA: Test number one. The flashing lights. Jones won't cooperate unless I pass the test... you think we can trick him?

PETER: What are you asking me to do? You want me to open up the light box?

OLIVIA: (timidly) You could see what you could do.

Massive Dynamic - Chat w/ Nina

OLIVIA: Thank you so much for seeing me at such short notice.

NINA: As I said... I am always available to you, Olivia. What can I do?

OLIVIA: I need information on a drug called Cortexiphan.

NINA: It doesn't ring a bell... let me check. (consults her high tech 'whiteberry' and sighs in pain)

OLIVIA: Is everything alright?

NINA: Uh... my hand... it's been acting-up. I need to have it looked at. (returns to her PDA) Oh yes, I recall this. 'Cortexiphan' - it was part of a clinical trial of a drug that Doctor bell created in 'eighty-one.

OLIVIA: What is it? -- If you don't mind?

NINA: Doctor Bell theorized that the human mind, at birth, is infinitely capable... and that every force it encounters; social, physical, intellectual... is the beginning of the process he referred to as 'limitation' - a diminishing of that potential.

OLIVIA: And Cortexiphan?

NINA: ... it was meant to 'limit' that 'limitation' - to prevent the natural shrinking of that brain power.

OLIVIA: To prevent, not undo?

NINA: Meaning...

OLIVIA: That the drug was administered to children?

NINA: Yes... the drugs were extensively animal tested. They were harmless to the children who received them. Unfortunately, they were also unsuccessful - so Doctor bell abandoned his research on Cortexiphan in 1983.

OLIVIA: And where were the trials?

NINA: Doctor Bell conducted the trials himself at Ohio State University, Wooster Campus.

OLIVIA: Nowhere else?

NINA: No... why? If I may ask?

OLIVIA: Nothing -- it's good to know.

Walter's Lab - Jones Awakes

OLIVIA: (on the phone to Peter as she drives) No matter what Jones believes - I was never given that drug. william Bell conducted his trials in Ohio. In 1981, I was three, living in Jacksonville, Florida. My dad was staationed at the naval Base there.

PETER: That's great. In other news - Walter thinks he is going to be able to revive Jones soon - and - I was able to reprogram the light box.... We should be able to fake Jones out.

OLIVIA: I knew you could do it. I'll see you soon. (hangs-up)

(Jones is strapped to an elevated table and gets an injection in the neck from Walter)

WALTER: If there's a cardiac arrest, we'll need Nitroglycerin... Peter! prepare...

(Jones jumpstart to life - gasping)

OLIVIA: Mister Jones. We have two hours before your planned attack hits... and I think I have passed test number one.

DAVID JONES: Doctor Bishop... (congested) ... without your extraordinary work - I wouldn't have the pleasure of making your acquaintance.

WALTER: (moves closer to Jones) I locked the teleporter away for a reason... one of which you are now experiencing.

DAVID JONES: (shudders) Never the less. It... is.. an honor.

OLIVIA: (interrupts) Jones. I passed the test. You tell us everything we need in order to stop whatever it is you're planning.

DAVID JONES: (gulping) That... was.. always the deal.

(Olivia moves to the light box test, altered by Peter. she flips it on and concentrates. slowly, the lights extinguish one after another, Jones monitors her as the last light goes out)

DAVID JONES: Well done Miz Dunham. Thank you. (he relaxes his head)

OLIVIA: Your turn!

DAVID JONES: Indeed. (conceding) 9-2-3 Church Street. The forty-seventh floor... you better hurry.

OLIVIA: (speed dialing dispatch on her cell phone) This is Agent Dunham - I need immediate Evac at Nine-Twenty-Three Church Street - There's a device on the forty-seventh floor... (to Peter as she marches past him) Nicely done.

PETER: Good performance.

Church Street

CHARLIE: (barking orders to all in earshot at street level) I need these streets cleared now! Anyone within a four block radius has to move! - GO! Double Time!

OLIVIA: (arriving in the lobby) Hey. Where are we?

CHARLIE: Buildings about seventy percent clear... we lucked out - they're undergoing renovations, so not all the floors are occupied.

OLIVIA: So... the device?

CHARLIE: This one's a real mess. Bomb Squad says they can't move it or diffuse it.


CHARLIE: Because they've never seen wiring like this before.

OLIVIA: (arriving at the bomb) Oh my god... (breathing deeply, a helicopter zips by the window)


47th Floor - Time For Action

(three minutes, twenty-eight seconds remain on the device)

PETER: It's rigged here for a reason - to blow out the windows.

OLIVIA: Four blocks ain't gonna cut it.

PETER: Not even close.

CHARLIE: I'am on it (to assistant cop) Contact the Weather Service. We need a map of the fallout pattern... and get FEMA up to speed

ASTRID: (picks up the ringing phone in the lab) Agent Farnsworth.

OLIVIA: (on her cell phone and staring at the device) Hey, it's me. That son of a bitch (Jones) knew what we were doing.


OLIVIA: He knew that we were faking him out.... Is he still conscious?

ASTRID: Barely.

OLIVIA: Put him on.

ASTRID: (holds phone to Jones ear) It's Olivia.

DAVID JONES: (exhausted) Hello, you.

OLIVIA: I can't do this. (two minutes, forty six seconds remain on the device)

DAVID JONES: I remain confident that you can.

OLIVIA: Look, you know what I did before - it wasn't real.

DAVID JONES: Yes... I know Miz Dunham. Before they can be considered soldiers - they must be regarded as recruits, and the expectation must be that they shall be unwilling...

OLIVIA: ...Mister Jones, I am willing, I am willing, but I am not able. (two minutes, thirteen seconds remain on the device)

PETER: (interrupts) Olivia, we have gotta go.

DAVID JONES: There's only one way to disable that device. You know what that is.

OLIVIA: (nods into phone) Okay - you think that I am valuable. Valuable enough to kidpnap, to try and train.

DAVID JONES: You are a rare commodity - true.

OLIVIA: Okay. If you don't deactivate this device. I'm gonna die. Which means that your rare commodity is gone.

DAVID JONES: But I have one thing Miz Dunham, that you do not. I have faith in you.... there is no red wire, no blue - only black. Cut any one of them, and the device blows. Try and remove it, and the device blows. And if those light are still on when the timer hits zero... the device blows. There is only one way out - and it's you.

OLIVIA: (she hangs-up and turns to Peter and Charlie) Okay, we need to get these people out of here. (she removes her overcoat and returns to the device)

PETER: Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Where are you going? Olivia, we gotta go. What did Jones say? Olivia...

OLIVIA: I need to do this. There is no other way.

PETER: If you stay here you are going to die. (one minutes, one second remains on the device) I'm not doing this with you Olivia. (he walks off to the elevators) You're out of your mind.

(Olivia studies the panel of lights on the device intently. Peter thinks better of his departure and returns to observe. Slowly, as Olivia concentrates, each of the 49 lights dims in random order. the final light dims just two seconds before the anticipated detonation)

PETER: You did it. What was that? How did you do that?

OLIVIA: (nearly in tears) I don't know. (panting) I don't know.

Jones Departs the Lab

ASTRID: (answers a ringing phone on the lab) Farnsworth. (listens) Yes sir. (listens) Thank you. We.. we will.

DAVID JONES: (to paramedic as he is wheeled-out) Wait... wait. (to Astrid) She did it, didn't she?

ASTRID: It seems she did.

DAVID JONES: (whispers to himself) My girl.

Recovering on the 47th Floor

(Agents and inspectors have returned and are wandering the area, Olivia and Peter sit and rest)

PETER: You okay?

OLIVIA: I didn't do anything... with those lights, they... he planned it, Jones... it was all just a mind game.

PETER: How'd he plan it? Planned what?

OLIVIA: They were programmed to turn off when the countdown ended.

PETER: Maybe, but... he couldn't have known you were gonna arrive. He couldn't have known the timing on that.

OLIVIA: Well that's what he did.

PETER: Look, I'm the last person who subscribes to this kind of stuff, but you were in the zone out there tonight, Olivia. The way you stared down that lightbox was like nothing I have ever seen before.

OLIVIA: It wasn't me.

PETER: Fine, then let me play Devil's Advocate - why did Jones choose you at all?

OLIVIA: (thinks a second) Because of your father. He wanted to meet your father. he wanted to meet the man who designed the device that let him escape from prison.

PETER: And you think that's what all this is about? Okay. Fine. Look, all I know is I didn't die tonight. So I'm pretty much willing to accept any explanation you want to give. (thinks) You wanna go get a drink? Or five? I've seen you with a whiskey bottle.

OLIVIA: huh... Jones was just transferred to Boston General... I have a few questions for him. It's my last chance.

PETER: ....yeah.

After Hours at Walter's Lab

ASTRID: So in all the excitement of today, I forgot to say something. I haven't overlooked the fact the you actually created a teleportation machine.

WALTER: Well... I suppose I did.

ASTRID: Which, despite the fact that using it kills you, is... pretty damn cool.

WALTER: Kills you? It does something unthinkable, but... it doesn't kill you. (he wanders away)

Boston General - Questions

(Olivia walks the busy halls toward Jones' room. She enters and he is not there. a gaping four foot by seven foot hole in the wall looks out over the city, from a half dozen floors up. on the wall next to her in big letters, the message - "You Passed")

Walter Reads

(at his desk he reads through the ZFT manifesto. un-proofed and un-published, it is littered with offset "y"s.)

Olivia's Apartment

OLIVIA: (seated in gym clothes with an adult beverage, she answers her phone) Hello.

NINA: (on a balcony with her cell phone) Agent Dunham? Nina Sharp... hand's back to normal

OLIVIA: Well, good for you.

NINA: I was curious about that question you asked, whether there were other places where Cortexiphan was tested.


NINA: There was, it turns out - a second clinical trial - though much smaller than the one in Ohio.

OLIVIA: There was?

NINA: Yes, in Jacksonville, Florida... at a military base. (silence) Agent Dunham?

OLIVIA: Thank you very much for calling.

NINA: You're most welcome - have a good night.

Walter Types

(from storage, Walter extracts an old manual typewriter and prepares to type. he types the word 'Ability'... like the ZFT manifesto - the 'y' is offset from the rest of the typeset)


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chrismaz66, 03.12.2024 à 10:30

Hi^^ Nouveau jeu proposé par sondage chez Torchwood et aussi Kaamelott bientôt, merci de passer voter ;-)

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, Avant-hier à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, Avant-hier à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, Avant-hier à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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