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#204 : Souvenirs de l'autre monde

Récupérant de la rencontre traumatisante et alarmante avec le fondateur de Massive Dynamic, William Bell, l’Agent Dunham consomme un puissant mélange "Fringe" que Walter Bishop lui prescrit pour stimuler sa mémoire.

Entre-temps, la Fringe Division enquête sur une série de cas de vols qualifiés et liés à des changements de forme.

Comme les indices sont suivis à la trace et les souvenirs chaotiques, une autre femme expérimentée par le Dr Bishop est présentée et un flashback nous en dit plus sur les visites d’Olivia dans l’autre réalité.

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Souvenirs de l'autre monde

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Olivia (Anna Torv) effrayée devant Walter (John Noble)

Olivia (Anna Torv) effrayée devant Walter (John Noble)

Olivia (Anna Torv) braque son arme

Olivia (Anna Torv) braque son arme

Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson)

Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson)

Olivia (Anna Torv) se remet de ses émotions face à Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Olivia (Anna Torv) se remet de ses émotions face à Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Phillip (Lance Reddick) en pleine discussion avec Olivia

Phillip (Lance Reddick) en pleine discussion avec Olivia

Olivia (Anna Torv) sort de chez Massive Dynamic

Olivia (Anna Torv) sort de chez Massive Dynamic

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) et Olivia (Anna Torv) discutent ensemble

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) et Olivia (Anna Torv) discutent ensemble

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

William (Leonard Nimoy) montre un dessin

William (Leonard Nimoy) montre un dessin

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Walter (John Noble) examine Olivia (Anna Torv)

Walter (John Noble) examine Olivia (Anna Torv)

Olivia (Anna Torv) rejoint Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) devant Massive Dynamic

Olivia (Anna Torv) rejoint Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) devant Massive Dynamic

Un Observateur

Un Observateur

Un Observateur observe les gens

Un Observateur observe les gens

Olivia (Anna Torv) au sol

Olivia (Anna Torv) au sol

Olivia (Anna Torv) au sol, braque son arme

Olivia (Anna Torv) au sol, braque son arme

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) veut faire du mal à Olivia (Anna Torv)

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) veut faire du mal à Olivia (Anna Torv)

Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo)

Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo)

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) se retrouve par terre

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) se retrouve par terre

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) essaie d'étrangler Olivia (Anna Torv)

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) essaie d'étrangler Olivia (Anna Torv)

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) braque son arme

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) braque son arme

Olivia (Anna Torv) réussit à récupérer son arme

Olivia (Anna Torv) réussit à récupérer son arme

Olivia (Anna Torv) essaie de se débarrasser de l'emprise de Charlie (Kirk Acevedo)

Olivia (Anna Torv) essaie de se débarrasser de l'emprise de Charlie (Kirk Acevedo)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) braque son arme

Charlie (Kirk Acevedo) braque son arme

Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo)

Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo)

Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo)

Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo)

Olivia (Anna Torv) discute avec Phillip

Olivia (Anna Torv) discute avec Phillip

Olivia (Anna Torv) est avec Phillip dans un restaurant

Olivia (Anna Torv) est avec Phillip dans un restaurant

Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick)

Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) et Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) et Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) et William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) et William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) montre un dessin

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) montre un dessin

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

William Bell (Leonard Nimoy)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Ashley Miller, Zack Stentz

Réalisateur : Joe Chappelle

Guest : Leonard Nimoy (William Bell) ; Roger R. Cross (Hybrid) ; Sebastian Roché (Leader) ; Theresa Russell (Rebecca) ; Ryan MacDonald (Brandon) ; Aaron Craven (Larson) ; Anna Van Hooft (Nina's Assistant) ; James Michalopoulos (Security Guard) ; Andy Nez (Truck Driver) ; Amitai Marmorstein (Store Clerk)

A la Compagnie Elias Cyrogenic, à Medford dans le Massachusetts, deux livreurs sont en train de préparer un envoi de corps. Alors que le camion commence à s’engager dans la rue, un homme s’arrête à hauteur et demande son chemin. Les gardes de sécurité lui disent qu’il n’a pas le droit d’être là. Il sort une arme à feu et leur tire dessus. Pendant que les livreurs se couvrent, l’un deux sort un fusil et tire sur son partenaire. Il part aider son partenaire, le premier assaillant, mais un garde de la sécurité lui tire dessus à plusieurs reprises. L’assaillant s’échappe avec le camion pendant que le livreur tombe finalement à terre, saignant du sang argenté et révélant qu’il est un changeur de forme.

A Harvard, Walter a demandé à Astrid de couper des vers plats pour un mélange en cours de fabrication. Quand Olivia entre, Walter explique qu’il pense pouvoir faire une formule constituée de cerveau de vers plats pour l’aider à retrouver sa mémoire. Peter ne pense pas que cela marchera mais Olivia l’ignore et boit la formule. Rien ne se passe immédiatement, et il reçoivent un appel leur demandant de se rendre à Elias Cyrogenics. Broyles les informe que c’est le troisième cas d’une série de vols de corps appartenant à des compagnies cryogéniques. Pendant que Walter prend un échantillon du sang/mercure du changeur de forme, Olivia voit Peter venir dans sa direction et a un souvenir de William Bell marchant vers elle de la même façon. Pendant ce temps, le changeur de forme déguisé en Charlie arrive et demande à Walter ce qu’il fait. Walter remarque qu’il a l’air malade et lui propose de la marijuana, puis trouve l’appareil d’altération du changeur de forme.

L’assaillant changeur de forme  se trouve dans les bois, enlevant les têtes décapitées des conteneurs cryogéniques volés. Le Charlie, changeur de forme, arrive et le prévient qu’il avait été négligent en laissant l’un des leurs tomber dans les mains de l’ennemi. L’assaillant remarque que l’état de Charlie empire et Charlie avoue qu’il ne peut pas retourner sur leur Terre tant que la mission n’est pas terminée. Cependant,  il croit qu’Olivia commence à retrouver ses souvenirs et sait où se trouve la tête qu’ils recherchent.

Olivia rejoint Broyles, qui la prévient que les compagnies cryogéniques ciblées refusent de leur communiquer les listes confidentielles de clients, donc ils ne savent pas quelle est la tête que les changeurs de forme recherchent. L’appareil d’altération qu’ils ont récupéré du changeur de forme qui a attaqué Olivia était endommagé et Massive Dynamic n’a pas été capable de trouver comment il fonctionnait. Olivia propose que Peter y jette un coup d’œil, puisqu’il a suffisamment de connaissance en ingénierie pour réussir à entrer au MIT. Broyles accepte et prévient que les changeurs de formes pourraient bien être après Olivia. Il lui propose un garde du corps mais Olivia refuse, insistant sur le fait que si les changeurs de forme la voulaient morte, elle serait déjà morte.

Walter fait revenir le corps du changeur de forme au labo de Harvard et pratique une autopsie. Il détermine que c’est un fusion de matériels biologiques et mécaniques. Pendant qu’il analyse le sang du changeur de forme, il découvre quelque chose de surprenant et demande à Astrid d’appeler Olivia pour lui dire de repasser par le labo. Pendant ce temps, Peter analyse le deuxième appareil permettant l’altération de forme et découvre qu’il traite encore des données, et contient une grande masse d’information. Lui et Olivia retournent au labo et Walter leur fait p art de ces découvertes sur l’analyse du sang du changeur de forme et comment il avait pu déterminer qu’il ne correspondait pas au corps de l’attaquant d’Olivia qu’ils ont récupéré. L’infirmière qui est morte n’était qu’une infirmière, et le changeur de forme qui l’a tuée s’est échappé.

Olivia appelle Charlie, le changeur de forme, pour lui transmettre les informations. Il dit qu’il la rappellera mais qu’il a une course urgente à faire. Il achète ensuite tout les thermomètres à mercure d’une pharmacie et en boit le mercure, pour stabiliser son corps.

Olivia se rend à New York pour voir Nina chez Massive Dynamic. Elle commence à se rappeler plus de moments de sa rencontre avec William Bell alors qu’elle traverse les couloirs. Elle transmet le deuxième appareil d’altération de forme à Nina et lui demande si elle peut sortir les données. Nina le transmet à l’un de ses scientifiques, Brandon, en remarquant que son équipe de recherche était arrivée à la conclusion que le changeur de forme qui avait attaqué Olivia avait maintenant besoin de son appareil désormais cassé pour se transformer. En conséquence, le changeur de forme est bloqué dans sa forme actuelle. Brandon dit qu’il peut récupérer la vague données en trois heures et installe un champs de données direct sur l’ordinateur et le téléphone mobile d’Olivia.

Peter et Walter se rendent chez Olivia, la jeune femme sur laquelle Walter et William avaient expérimenté pour lui donner la clairvoyance. Elle les invite à entrer et enlace Walter, heureuse de le voir. Elle explique qu’elle avait la capacité de percevoir les changeurs de forme, et remercie Walter pour le cadeau qu’il lui a fait, mais avoue que ses capacités ont disparues au fil des années. Walter suggère qu’ils recréent l’expérience pour lui permettre de retrouver ses capacités et les aider à trouver les changeurs de forme.

Walter et Peter installent Rebecca de retour au labo et se préparent à lui injecter les drogues. Pendant ce temps, Olivia demande à Astrid de s’infiltrer dans le site FTP de Massive Dynamic pour accéder à leurs informations. Alors qu’Astrid rentre les informations pour être surs qu’ils ont les bonnes données, Walter accélèrent les processus de transformation en Rebecca. Elle regarde Peter et commente ce qu’elle l’a déjà vu quand il était bébé. Alors qu’elle commence à halluciner, Peter fait sonner une cloche pour déclencher le rush sensoriel et Olivia, entendant le bruit, s’effondre au sol. Walter prévient qu’elle est surpassée par le rush soudain de souvenirs.

William Bell accueille Olivia alors qu’elle arrive dans son bureau sur la Terre parallèle. Il s’excuse pour la façon plutôt crue qu’il a utilisée pour faire venir Olivia et lui offre du thé. Olivia saute soudainement quelques minutes dans le futur et William explique qu’elle n’est pas synchronisée avec la nouvelle réalité. Il remarque qu’elle est spéciale et que la plupart des individus qui passent dans ce monde sont déchirés [ ?]. Alors que le temps continue de faire des sauts en avant, William respire à travers un appareil de respiration et se demande à quel point Walter se souvient-il de leur temps ensemble. Olivia dit qu’elle est au courant des expériences que Walter et William ont menées sur elle. William s’excuse et Olivia l’informe que la plupart de ceux sur lesquels il a expérimentés ont de graves troubles mentaux et physiques.

Alors que le temps continue de glisser, William explique qu’il a appris qu’une guerre se profilait et qu’il devait créer un protecteur pour empêcher les gens de passer entre les deux réalités. Il ne peut désormais plus retourner dans sa propre réalité, et il y a très peu de personnes qui peuvent le faire. Cependant, les personnes de la Terre alternative ont créé des changeurs de formes hybrides spécialisés, une « Première Vague », qui peut passer d’un monde à l’autre sans dommages. Olivia remarque que la compagnie de William, Massive Dynamic, a été impliquée dans beaucoup d’expériences et suspecte que William lui-même est à l’origine de la guerre inter-dimensionnelle. Quand elle lui demande la vérité, William dit qu’elle finira par apparaitre et  qu’elle n’est pas obligée de lui faire confiance ou même de l’apprécier pour défendre la terre. Il offre sa perspective unique, ayant été confronté aux deux mondes, et lui demande de l’accepter comme allié.

Ensuite, William parle d’une guerre finale qui détruira leur Terre. La Première Vague est à la recherche d’un individu particulier qui pourra stabiliser le passage entre les mondes. Olivia, la plus forte des enfants sur lesquels ils ont expérimentés, est celle qui doit trouver l’individu avant les hybrides. William dessine un symbole qui pourra être trouvé sur l’individu et dit à Olivia de la montrer à Nina. Il réalise qu’ils sont à court de temps et sonne un cloche, puis récite une phrase grecque qu’il demande à Olivia de dire à Peter à son retour. William la prévient qu’elle aura besoin de l’aide de Peter pour ce qui est sur le point d’arriver. Pendant qu’il se prépare à la renvoyer, il la prévient que ce sera douloureux car le temps peut seulement être repoussé, et non ignoré. Olivia est de retour sur sa Terre, passant au travers du pare-brise de sa voiture…

Olivia reprend conscience et dit à Walter et Peter qu’elle doit parler à Nina. Elle appelle Nina, chez Massive Dynamic, et lui dit qu’elle a un message de la part de William Bell. Pendant ce temps, Walter libère Rebecca une fois l’expérience terminée et dit à Peter qu’il veut la ramener chez elle lui-même. Alors qu’ils partent, Rebecca observe Peter bizarement et dit qu’il a une aura, mais que ce doit être son imagination.

Astrid est seule dans le laboratoire quand Charlie, changeur de forme, revient pour lui demander où se trouve Olivia. Elle lui dit qu’Olivia est en route pour Massive Dynamic. Il remarque  le téléchargement de FTP qu’Astrid surveille de Massive Dynamic et comprend ce que cela signifie.

Chez Massive Dynamic, Olivia montre à Nina le symbole mais la CEO ne le reconnait pas ; Quand Olivia parle de la « dernière grande tempête », Nina se souvient que William avait l’habitude de parler de ce concept. En utilisant deux boules à neige, elle démontre la théorie de William selon laquelle si un passage était ouvert, une Terre serait entièrement détruite dans une énorme tempête d’énergie. Olivia a un autre flash de souvenir de William écrivant le nom de Laston-Hennings Cryogenics. Charlie, le changeur de forme, appelle et lui envoie un texto l’avertissant que Nina est le changeur de forme et qu’Olivia doit partir immédiatement. Olivia s’excuse précipitamment et part, alors que Nina lui dit que Massive Dynamic partagera toutes ses ressources pour trouver celui qui peut ouvrir le passage.

Dehors, Charlie, le changeur de forme, encontre Olivia à sa sortie du bâtiment. Il lui dit qu’il a fait encercler le bâtiment et qu’ils entreront dès qu’Olivia sera en sûreté. Pendant qu’ils s’éloignent de Massive Dynamic, Olivia lui confie qu’elle sait où se trouve la tête. Cependant, elle jette un œil à son portable pour voir l’analyse terminée de données et obtient l’image de Charlie. L’hybride se rend compte qu’elle sait et la mène vers une allée.  Il l’attaque, puis appelle son partenaire pour lui dire où se trouve la tête. Olive essaye de répondre à ses coups mais est facilement contrôlée quand un piéton les voit. Le changeur de forme lui tire dessus avant qu’il ne puisse donner l’alarme, mais Olivia a assez de temps pour attraper l’arme et tirer sur le changeur de forme à plusieurs reprises jusqu’à ce qu’il meurt.

Walter dépose Rebecca chez elle. Elle l’invite à entrer mais il est clairement réticent à l’idée d’être près d’elle. Elle l’embrasse et le remercie pour l’avoir rendue spécial. Walter lui dit qu’elle sera toujours spéciale et part prendre son bus.

Broyles confie à une Olivia en deuil que ce n’est pas sa faute si son partenaire est mort ou que l’hybride ait appris l’emplacement de la tête. Il lui dit que l’hybride a réussi à se rendre chez Laston-Hennings et volé la tête avant que le FBI ne puisse s’y rendre. Les capsules cryogéniques sont parties.

Dans une installation secrète, le partenaire hybride fixe la tête volée à un corps. La tête et le corps se rejoignent et le meneur ouvre les yeux.


Souce : TVRage

Le script provient du site : FRINGEPEDIA


Medford, MA - Elias Cryonics

TRUCK DRIVER: Mind if we speed things up, Kurt? I'd hate for these popsicles to melt.

KURT LARSEN: I don't think we have to worry about that.

SECURITY GUARD: (gas hissing) Cargo is secure. (keypad beeping) Who is this guy?

[engine turns off]

Hey, I was wondering if I could get some directions.

SECURITY GUARD: What are you doing here? You're trespassing, pal. Why don't you get in your car and turn around?

Yeah, sure.

TRUCK DRIVER: Oh, my god! Son of a bitch! We got to call -- [gunshot]

Anyone else in the warehouse?

KURT LARSEN: That's it. The keys are in his pocket.

[keypad beeping]

KURT LARSEN: Let me know if he's in there. You know where to reach-- [gunshot] [truck engine turning, revving] [coughs]

SECURITY GUARD: [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] Aah!


Walter's Lab - Olivia Snacks

[knife chopping]

ASTRID: 100, Walter.

WALTER: Almost. 50 more chops. Agent Dunham.

OLIVIA: Walter, hey. So, you said you wanted to see me.

WALTER: Oh, I had an idea. I think I may be able to help you retrieve your memories from the accident, when you disappeared from the automobile in New York.

OLIVIA: I - I remember that bit.

WALTER: Of course you do.

PETER: Walter, I thought that we agreed that this was a stupid idea.

[blender whirring]

WALTER: Oh, no, you decided. I still maintain that the principle is perfectly sound.

PETER: He wants you to eat worms.

WALTER: Not just worms, flatworms! The thing is, Agent Dunham, I recalled an experiment that Belly and I did w-where we trained a handful of flatworms to respond to light. We then crushed them up and fed them to other worms. It was Belly's idea.

ASTRID: Because who wouldn't think to do that?

WALTER: The point is that these other worms, without having been trained, began to respond to light. It seems the first worms transferred their memories to the other worms through ingestion.

PETER: Right, but that still has nothing to do with stimulating Agent Dunham's memory.

WALTER: How will we know unless we try? That's why it's called an experiment, Peter.

PETER: Thanks. I know what an experiment is.

WALTER: If Archimedes never decided to take a bath--

ASTRID: Uh, guys?

WALTER: Astrid, water. I was going to mix it with strawberries.

[phone ringing]

ASTRID: "Bishop's Deli."

Elias Cryonics - Crime Scene

BROYLES: This is what we know so far. Facility manager arrived to work this morning at 6:30, saw the bodies and called it in to the local P.D.

PETER: So the robbery took place in the middle of the night. That makes three cryogenic facilities in a week, same M.O. As Chicago and New York.

BROYLES: Yeah, but Chicago was a straight "B" and "E." But in all three cases, the target was the same.

PETER: Frozen heads. Which does bring up several obvious questions -- first of which, what the hell for?

BROYLES: Police recovered ten shell casings from a nine millimeter. Looks like a single perp rolled up and dropped four men, two of whom were armed.

WALTER: Excuse me. Can I see the body that's bleeding silver now? Fascinating.

PETER: Walter.

WALTER: Perfect, son. It has the consistency of mercury.

OLIVIA: These robberies are obviously connected. We should pull the files on new york and chicago.

BROYLES: I'll make some calls, tell the local agents that we're taking over the investigations.

OLIVIA: Yes, sir.

[man speaking backwards]

PETER: You okay?

OLIVIA: Uh, yeah. So, um, what does Walter think?

PETER: Meet Mister Silver blood. Walter thinks it's actually mercury.

OLIVIA: Mercury?

WALTER: Agent Francis, hello.


WALTER: You all right? You look pale.

CHARLIE: Yeah. I didn't get much sleep last night.

WALTER: Oh. I may be able to help you with that... a little cannabis before bedtime does wonders, huh? [laughs] I recognize this. This is the device the shape-shifter used.

Wooded Area - Shaving Skulls

[electric razor whirring] [breathing heavily]

You look like hell.

CHARLIE: That was, uh... that was sloppy. You killed four men last night, including one of our own.

There's nothing to link him to us.

CHARLIE: Maybe not, but now the F.B.I. -- they have him. They understand what he is.

You've been in this body too long. You're dying. You need to get back home and get fitted with a new conversion device. I'd let you use mine... but what would be the point.

CHARLIE: Yeah. It wouldn't do anything anyway. [razor whirring]

You've asked for extraction.

CHARLIE: They say not until the mission is done.

They're real sweethearts. Damn. That;s the last one. He's not here. There's another facility in North Carolina.

CHARLIE: I have another idea. Olivia Dunham is starting to remember her time on the other side. I'm thinking she may know where it's hidden.

His head?


What makes you think that?

CHARLIE: If Bell knows that we're looking for it, it seemed like a likely reason why he'd bring her over to the other side.

Well, if you're right, and you don't want that body to be your last, then I suggest you do whatever it takes to make her remember.


Table Talk - Conversion Device


OLIVIA: Why...

BROYLES: Why are shape-shifting soldiers from another universe stealing frozen heads?

OLIVIA: The most likely explanation that we can think of is that they're looking for a specific head, but they don't know where it is.

BROYLES: Okay. Then who?

OLIVIA: We don't know. These facilities pride themselves on secrecy. So despite the thefts, none of them have been willing to give up their client lists. What about the other device, the one we found a few weeks ago? Did it give any indication who these people are?

BROYLES: Unfortunately, the other device is broken. We asked Massive Dynamic to see what they could make of it, but apparently they've been stumped.

OLIVIA: Well, this one doesn't appear to be damaged. So maybe Peter can figure something out.

BROYLES: I suppose he knows a guy?

OLIVIA: He knew enough about engineering to fake his way into M.I.T.

BROYLES: Well, let me know if you learn anything. In the meantime, I'm considering giving you a protective detail.

OLIVIA: A protective detail? Why?

BROYLES: The last time Peter showed me one of these devices, its owner had just tried to kill you.

OLIVIA: I'm not worried, 'cause that was six weeks ago. So if a shape-shifting assassin wanted me dead... then I would be.

Walter's Lab - Hybrid Inspection

WALTER: Let's see how this thing operates.

ASTRID: What are you saying, that this is not a person?

WALTER: My dear, I'm not certain that you're not simply a figment of my imagination. No, this is certainly not human, rather a highly advanced technology -- A mechano-organic hybrid. I suspect that they produce, or possibly ingest the mercury, and that it controls the tissue, instructing it to take, and maintain shapes.


WALTER: We have to call Agent Dunham. I need to talk to her right away.


Harvard Campus - Electronics Lab

PETER: You know what this reminds me of? Did you ever see that movie invasion of the body snatchers?

OLIVIA: Which version -- Don Siegel or Philip Kaufman?

PETER: [laughs] The remake. I remember when I saw that movie, I was so scared, I didn't sleep for a week. I was convinced that if I fell asleep, I was gonna be replaced by a pod person.

OLIVIA: Is this your way of trying to ask me if I'm scared?

PETER: No, of course not. I mean, I figure if you were scared, you'd tell me, right? Besides, I figure between the two of us, you're the one that carries the gun. [static] What the hell?

OLIVIA: What is it?

PETER: I'm not sure. I was just trying to turn it on, but... (high-pitched whine) looks like this thing is streaming data... and lots of it.

[cell phone rings]

Walter's Lab - Bad News

WALTER: I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that the shape-shifter's blood is forty-seven percent mercury.

PETER: Which means?

WALTER: Well, I'm not sure, but I went back and re-examined the autopsy reports for the first shape-shifter.


WALTER: And... her blood sample is perfectly normal -- just traces of mercury, which would suggest that, despite what we thought back then...

OLIVIA: ...she wasn't a shape-shifter at all.

WALTER: I'm afraid so.

OLIVIA: So the shape-shifter is still alive, which means by now, it could be disguised as anyone.

WALTER: And you could still be in danger. Would you like to hear the good news now? I think I may know how to find him. Rebecca Kibner. [audio fast-forwards]

PETER: You showed us this. The girl you experimented on.

WALTER: Yes, to see things others could not.

REBECCA KIBNER: Oh, yes, a soldier... Oh, from somewhere else. [laughs]

WALTER: There.

REBECCA KIBNER: He's glowing, man.

WALTER: If she was able to identify the shape-shifter once, she may be able to do it again.

REBECCA KIBNER: He's from a place that looks like this, but it's not here. He's-- [gasps] He's from another universe, man.

Pharmacy Stop - Buying Thermometers

OLIVIA: (on cell phone walking across campus) Hey, looks like we may have some leads on how to identify the shape-shifters. Walter has an idea, and I have a thought about the device. But in the meantime, can you check in with Broyles, see if there's something new from the crime scenes?

CHARLIE: Sure thing. [inhales sharply] hmm...

STORE CLERK: Starting your own pharmacy?

CHARLIE: [grunts] [gasping]


Massive Dynamic - Briefing Nina

[man speaking backwards]

NINA: You found another one.

OLIVIA: Peter says this device is streaming loads of data, and he believes it's possible that these devices store a pattern of their last victim.

NINA: Our scientists have the same theory. In fact, they thought they might be able to extract an image. They also theorize each device is tuned to a specific user, which suggests that since the shape-changer that tried to kill you no longer has his device, he's trapped in his current body. Our scientists have been working on revealing that shape-shifter's identity, but what with all the damage to the other unit --

OLIVIA: Well, this one is intact.

NINA: Then let's take a look, shall we?

Massive Dynamic - Geek Squad

NINA: So can you fix it?

BRANDON: Do you understand you're asking me if I can repair a piece of technology that is entirely unlike anything that has ever existed here on Earth?

NINA: Brandon --

BRANDON: Now that I have one that works, I can do it in three hours... tops.

NINA: Good, then get started right away.

BRANDON: Yes ma'am.

OLIVIA: Okay, so I'm gonna head back to Boston. Will you call me if he gets it working?

BRANDON: Oh, I can do better than that. I can set up a rendering program and patch you in... in real time. If you want, you can see it all for yourself. A computer, from your cell phone, I can log you into our server.

NINA: Ahem.

BRANDON: The public one. The public server, of course... if it's okay with you.

Kibner Residence - Warm Welcome

PETER: Nice house.

WALTER: Yes, it's lovely. Rebecca always had fine taste. Do you think she'll remember me?

PETER: [chuckles] I think she might. I'm gonna guess there's not too many men in her life who have strapped her to a table and pumped her full of a massive amount of psychedelics.

PETER: Walter, you didn't--

WALTER: What, son?

PETER: Uh, nothing. [knocking at door]

WALTER: Peter, wait. Could you do the talking? Please, son.

PETER: Sure. Ms. Kibner? Hi. I'm Peter Bishop.

REBECCA KIBNER: Walter? Is it you?

WALTER: Hello, Rebecca.

REBECCA KIBNER: Oh, my God. Hello.


REBECCA KIBNER: At first, I assumed it was all just a figment of my imagination and the L.S.D., of course. But after a while, it wasn't just during the experiments. I would see their faces in front of me. They seemed to have, I don't know, a certain glow about them.

PETER: The shape-shifters?

REBECCA KIBNER: Mm-hmm. It -- it took me a year or two to really understand it. But I realized that... I was recognizing people that didn't belong. You know, like that children's song -- "one of these things is not like the others."

WALTER: "one of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn't belong." Sesame street.

REBECCA KIBNER: Yes, that's it.

WALTER: Our experiment triggered an ability to see beyond the limits of your vision.

REBECCA KIBNER: You gave me a great gift, walter. You, uh... opened my mind for a time. In fact, I even tried to look you up about ten years ago, tried to contact Harvard, but no one knew where you were or how to reach you.

WALTER: I was--

PETER: Travelling. My father was travelling. Ms. Kibner, you said "for a time." Does that mean that the ability has faded?

REBECCA KIBNER: Not entirely, no. Comes and goes as it pleases. I just have memories.

PETER: These people -- the shape-shifters -- we have reason to believe that some of them are amongst us right now. We were hoping that you might be able to help us identify them.

REBECCA KIBNER: I told you, it's -- it's mostly gone.

WALTER: What if you could get it back -- your ability?

REBECCA KIBNER: You mean do the experiment again?

WALTER: Which I must advise against. Anytime one exposes one's brain to that amount of hallucinogens--

REBECCA KIBNER: Yeah, sure. I'll help you.

Walter's Lab - Drugging Rebecca

[Walter jams to classic rock]

PETER: Just a couple more.

REBECCA KIBNER: Actually, that one goes more on my temple.

PETER: You're an old pro at this, huh?

REBECCA KIBNER: Drug-infused mystical awakenings, guided by your father, aren't exactly something you can forget.

OLIVIA: Hi. Uh, I'm Agent Olivia Dunham.


OLIVIA: Thank you so much for doing this.


ASTRID: Walter, you said you wanted to start her with Salvia. We don't have any Salvia.


REBECCA KIBNER: You used to... um, in that cabinet on the second shelf, over on the right.

[bottles clanking]

ASTRID: Got it.

WALTER: Ah. Oh. I don't suppose you recall where I left my slippers.

OLIVIA: Excuse me. Astrid, can you do me a favor? Do you think you could log onto this site from your computer?

ASTRID: Massive Dynamic. This looks like their secure FTP.

OLIVIA: Mm-hmm.

ASTRID: Sure thing.

WALTER: This is the first of the psychedelics. Ready to begin?

REBECCA KIBNER: I think I've been ready for the past ten years.


PETER: It's working. The tech must be rebuilding the image from the broken device.

ASTRID: It looks like a department store mannequin.

OLIVIA: Okay. Now let's just load it up on my phone.

WALTER: When Belly and I first did this, we prepped her for thirty-six hours. But I'm thinking... for this type of spatial disorientation, we can reduce it to a few moments.

PETER: Isn't that dangerous?

WALTER: More than injecting her with substantial amounts of untested, homemade psychoactive drugs? Astrid... get me three syringes of Phenothiazine. It's on the top shelf, under "a" for "antipsychotics." And two vials of Valium... just to be safe.

PETER: Ready?

WALTER: Yes, son.

PETER: I want you to tell me if this starts to get uncomfortable, okay?

REBECCA KIBNER: Thank you. I met you once before. You were just a baby, but... I swore I saw... Ohh! Ohh, here we go!

PETER: I think we're ready, Walter. [breathing deeply]

WALTER: Rebecca, focus on my voice.


WALTER: Concentrate on the people who don't belong.

REBECCA KIBNER: You mean... the ones that change their appearance? [gasping]

WALTER: There's no need to be afraid. You can see them...

ASTRID: Hey, peter.

WALTER: ...but they can't see you.

[Rebecca panting, whimpering]

WALTER: Listen to my voice. I'm going to take you over the threshold. We're walking through Johnston Gate into Harvard Yard. Can you see it? It's Autumn, and it's late. The leaves crunch under our feet. Past the statue of John Harvard.

REBECCA KIBNER: [breathing heavily]

WALTER: Now we're passing University Hall... Memorial church is up ahead.


WALTER: Ring. [bell dings]

PETER: Walter! Hey, Walter. Olivia. Olivia! Olivia!

WILLIAM BELL: Olivia. After all these years... it is so nice to finally see you again.


Bell's Office - Introductions

WILLIAM BELL: You'll have to forgive me. The method by which I brought you over here was crude, and I'm sorry for that, but there were people who were trying to prevent our meeting. This is not at all the kind of reunion I had always envisioned.

OLIVIA: The reunion that you had envisioned? Doctor Bell, I have been trying to meet with you for over a year.

WILLIAM BELL: Please, call me William... or Willam - if that feels warmer to you. Willam -- that's what you always called me when you were a girl. How do you like your tea?

OLIVIA: I don't want any tea. I want answers. [rumbling]

WILLIAM BELL: [laughs] You're still a little disoriented from the time slips, aren't you? Happened to me when I first came here. You're -- you're out of sync with this side. You're lucky. Most people who cross dimensions, without your natural talent, are simply torn apart.

OLIVIA: Well, 'lucky' isn't the word that I would choose. [rumbling] [gas hissing] [breathing deeply]

WILLIAM BELL: Ahh. I don't know how much Walter's told you by now. I don't know how much he remembers.

OLIVIA: He told me what you two did to me when I was just a girl... how you conducted drug trials on young children.

WILLIAM BELL: We weren't trying to hurt you, Olivia. We weren't trying to hurt anybody.

OLIVIA: Hey, guess what? [chuckles] You did. I've met some of the others. To say that they are permanently damaged would be an understatement.

WILLIAM BELL: Yes. In any search for knowledge, there are always unintended consequences -- victims, you might say. But not you. I can see that... just by looking at you. In fact, you're just coming into your ability. [rumbling] [echoing] I've seen history repeat itself enough times to know a war is coming, just as we predicted, Walter and I, years ago, and we knew that we had to prepare a guardian, someone to watch the gate.

OLIVIA: The gate?

WILLIAM BELL: Between this side and yours. I would like to say 'ours', because that's where I came from, but I'm afraid I would sound disingenuous.

OLIVIA: Go on.

WILLIAM BELL: For reasons that will become clear in time, I cannot go back yet, maybe not ever. But now we know how difficult it is to cross over. I can count on my hand the number of people who've done it safely. But on this side, they've become more insidious. They have designed hybrids -- part organic tissue, part machine -- that can do things that humans can't. They can change shapes, taking the form of human beings. Over here, they call them 'the first wave'.

OLIVIA: So you're saying that these hybrids are already on our side.

WILLIAM BELL: I know it's difficult to grasp.

OLIVIA: Oh, I can grasp it just fine. I don't trust you, Doctor Bell... or William, or... Willam... or whatever cutesy name you think might appeal to my childhood instincts. It won't. Your company has been involved in, if not directly responsible for, some of the most horrific things that I have ever seen, to say nothing of the fact that you just yanked me into a parallel universe to warn me about an inter-dimensional war that I believe you are responsible for starting. So what I want is not warmth, or tea. It's the truth.

WILLIAM BELL: The truth will come out. It always does. Livvy, you don't have to trust me. You don't even have to like me, but you can't deny I have a unique perspective, shaped by having lived in two worlds. I know the difference a wrong choice can make... or a right one. For example, this building is still standing because different choices were made. So, Livvy, if you can look past your anger, you may find that I am more of an ally than you think. [rumbling] [voices echoing] A storm is coming, perhaps the last and worst storm of all. And when it is over, I fear there will be little left of our world. The shape-shifters on your side are looking for someone, someone to open the door between universes, and if they find him, there will be no stopping them, and that is why you must find him first.


WILLIAM BELL: You are the one, Olivia. Of all the children that Walter and I prepared, you were the strongest. You were always the strongest. [rumbling] Remember this symbol. It's hidden on their leader. That's how you'll know him. [echoing] Show this to Nina Sharp. [rumbling] She can help you. We're out of time. [bell dings] Olivia. [echoing voices] [rumbling]

Walter's Lab - Olivia's Return

PETER: Olivia. Olivia. Olivia! Can you hear me?

WALTER: Astrid, Nitroglycerine, thirty C.C.s. Peter, turn the head to the side, make sure she can breathe.

PETER: Walter, what's happening?

WALTER: I think she's receiving a flood of memories. Could be too much, too fast. [bell dings]

WILLIAM BELL: You should stand. I think it'll be less painful that way.

OLIVIA: What will?

WILLIAM BELL: And remember this -- Einai kalytero... Anthropo apo toy... Patera toy. Tell that to Peter. You're going to need him by your side. Tell it to him. He'll know what it means. [rumbling]

WALTER: We have to shock her heart. There's a vial of adrenaline, Peter.

WILLIAM BELL: And I'm afraid there's no avoiding what has to happen next. I pulled you out of a moving car. Momentum can be deferred, but it must always be paid back, in full. [rumbling]

WALTER: Okay. Into her heart - between the ribs. Count to three -- one, two...

WILLIAM BELL: As I once said to Walter, physics is a bitch.

WALTER: Three!

PETER: Sorry, Olivia.

OLIVIA: [gasping, groaning in pain] I need to speak to Nina Sharp!


Massive Dynamic - Intercepting Nina

NINA: Nina Sharp.

OLIVIA: Nina, we need to talk.

NINA: Olivia?

OLIVIA: Look, I'm on my way there now.

NINA: I'm sorry. I'm just about to leave for Hong Kong.

OLIVIA: I have a message from William Bell.

NINA: (to her assistant) Cancel the plane.

Harvard Campus - Escorting Rebecca

REBECCA KIBNER: I wish I could have been more of a help to you.

PETER: Oh, you did great. You sure you're all right to drive?

WALTER: Oh, she's fine. The injections I gave her would have counteracted any hallucinogenics in her system. Peter.

PETER: Yeah?

WALTER: I think I'd like to drive home with her.

PETER: You just said that all the drugs were out of her system. How are you gonna get back home, Walter?

WALTER: The bus.

PETER: Okay.

WALTER: Peter I need some money. (To Rebecca) He said okay.


PETER: It was a pleasure meeting you.

REBECCA KIBNER: You too, Peter. Say good-bye to Agent Dunham for me, will you?

PETER: What?

REBECCA KIBNER: Oh, nothing. I... [sighs] I'm sorry. It's probably just the drugs.

Walter's Lab - Infiltrated


CHARLIE: Where is everyone?

ASTRID: Uh, Peter and Doctor Bishop are out, and Olivia went to New York to see Nina Sharp. I can call her if you want me to. She just left a few minutes --

CHARLIE: No, that's okay. I'll talk to her when she gets back. What is this?

ASTRID: Oh, that's Massive Dynamic. They're rebuilding the image from the broken device.

Massive Dynamic - Suspecting Nina

NINA: Doctor Bell showed you this?

OLIVIA: Yeah. Have you ever seen that before -- that symbol?


OLIVIA: Well, that's what he told me. He said it would be hidden somewhere on their leader's body.

NINA: Well, then I suspect it would be on his head, assuming that's what the cryogenic hijackings are about. And that's all Doctor Bell told you?

OLIVIA: He said that the man with that mark... would try to open a door between our two worlds... that a storm was coming, and that the only way to stop it would be for me to find him before the shape-shifters did.

NINA: A storm?

OLIVIA: Yeah. What?

NINA: It was a phrase he used. When Doctor Bell realized the existence of the other side, the thing he dreaded most was the inevitable collision... if our two universes ever came together.

OLIVIA: Collision?

NINA: The Pauli Exclusion Principle means that no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. Doctor Bell was afraid that if the doorway between the two sides was ever opened... that the unavoidable conclusion... only one world would remain. It's what he called the last great storm.

[high-pitched tone, rumbling]

WILLIAM BELL: Laston-Hennings Cryonics.

[cell phone rings]

OLIVIA: I'm sorry. I have to go.

NINA: Olivia? Whatever Massive Dynamic can do to help find this man, we are at your service.

[thunder rumbling]

Massive Dynamic - Intercepting Olivia

OLIVIA: How'd you know?

CHARLIE: Listen to me carefully. My car's around the corner, we got a S.W.A.T. team inbound. As soon as I verify you're out of this building, they're gonna shred this place. Let's move.

OLIVIA: Oh, God, Charlie, I almost told her everything. I got to call Broyles.

CHARLIE: What do you mean "almost"?

OLIVIA: Well, I just realized where it is, the head that they're looking for. Bell told me. It's at Laston-Hennings Cryonics.

[ringing] (Olivia looks at her phone and sees a reconstruction of Charlie as the shape shifter.)


Empty Alleyway - Death Match

OLIVIA: Ohh! Ohh! [coughing] Ohh! Ugh! Ugh!

CHARLIE: [on cellphone] It's me. Laston-Hennings Cryonics.

OLIVIA: Ohh! Ohh! [coughing] Ohh! Ugh! Ugh!


PASSERBY: What are you doing? [gunshot] [gunshot]

[gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot]

Kibner Residence - Warm Farewell

REBECCA KIBNER: Won't you come in?

WALTER: I don't think I should. The bus leaves every half hour, and... oh, I only have fourteen minutes to walk to the stop.

REBECCA KIBNER: Some day, huh? [laughs] Not at all what I expected when I woke up this morning.

WALTER: That's the way of things... the best days and the worst days rarely are. Rebecca, what I did to you -- it was wrong.


WALTER: No, no. You were young, and I took advantage, and...

REBECCA KIBNER: (kisses him gently) I've wanted to do that for so long. Oh, Walter, what you did -- you made me... Special.

WALTER: The truth is... I believe you were always special. I must go... under 12 minutes.

A Quiet Park Bench

BROYLES: You had no choice. If you didn't kill him, he would have killed you. It's not your fault. Whatever that thing was, it wasn't Charlie.

OLIVIA: They killed him for what? To open a door to the other side? And who are these people, and what do they want? What did we do to them?

BROYLES: Laston-Hennings Cryonics was hit 15 minutes before our protective detail arrived. They took everything. All the cryo-capsules are gone.

OLIVIA: So they found who they were looking for.

BROYLES: I assume so.

OLIVIA: William Bell pulled me to another universe to give me a warning. That's how important this is. And I failed.

BROYLES: Olivia, we'll find them.

In A Makeshift Lab

(the crewcuts continue for the frozen skulls. a skull is found with the telling symbol. thawed, it has been attached to a mechanical body. the eyes open)

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 03.12.2024 à 10:30

Hi^^ Nouveau jeu proposé par sondage chez Torchwood et aussi Kaamelott bientôt, merci de passer voter ;-)

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, Avant-hier à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, Avant-hier à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, Avant-hier à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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