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#206 : La formule

La Fringe Division enquête sur une affaire énigmatique concernant des victimes qui se désintègrent inexplicablement en cendres.

L'affaire douteuse fait lumière sur le passé de l’Agent Spécial Phillip Broyles et dirige l'équipe vers la possibilité d’une science étrange.

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Sneak Peak #1

Sneak Peak #1


Sneak Peak #2

Sneak Peak #2


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Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick)

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick)

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) braquent leur arme

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) braquent leur arme

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Olivia (Anna Torv) trouve des informations avec l'aide de l'agent de sécurité

Olivia (Anna Torv) trouve des informations avec l'aide de l'agent de sécurité

Phillip (Lance Reddick) découvre une victime

Phillip (Lance Reddick) découvre une victime

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) entrent dans une maison et découvrent un suspect

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) entrent dans une maison et découvrent un suspect

Walter (John Noble), Peter (Joshua Jackson), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) sont derrière une voiture de police

Walter (John Noble), Peter (Joshua Jackson), Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) sont derrière une voiture de police

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv), armes à la main

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv), armes à la main

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) découvrent une victime

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) découvrent une victime

Olivia (Anna Torv) au téléphone

Olivia (Anna Torv) au téléphone

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Phillip (Lance Reddick)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Phillip (Lance Reddick)

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia (Anna Torv) se protège grâce à une portière d'une camionnette

Olivia (Anna Torv) se protège grâce à une portière d'une camionnette

Phillip (Lance Reddick) observe à l'intérieur de la camionnette

Phillip (Lance Reddick) observe à l'intérieur de la camionnette

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv) sont sur le point d'entrer dans une maison

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv) sont sur le point d'entrer dans une maison

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) sortent de voiture, arme au poing

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick) sortent de voiture, arme au poing

Walter Bishop (John Noble)

Walter Bishop (John Noble)

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick)

Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick)

Olivia (Anna Torv) à travers un grillage de camionnette

Olivia (Anna Torv) à travers un grillage de camionnette

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv) plaisantent ensemble

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv) plaisantent ensemble

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv)

Phillip (Lance Reddick) et Olivia (Anna Torv)

Olivia (Anna Torv), qui est au téléphone, trouve des informations avec l'aide de l'agent de sécurité

Olivia (Anna Torv), qui est au téléphone, trouve des informations avec l'aide de l'agent de sécurité

Olivia (Anna Torv) trouve des informations sur les images de l'ordinateur avec l'aide de l'agent de sécurité

Olivia (Anna Torv) trouve des informations sur les images de l'ordinateur avec l'aide de l'agent de sécurité

L'agent de sécurité montre des informations intéressantes à Olivia (Anna Torv)

L'agent de sécurité montre des informations intéressantes à Olivia (Anna Torv)

Phillip (Lance Reddick) avec son arme à la main

Phillip (Lance Reddick) avec son arme à la main

Olivia (Anna Torv) braque son arme droit devant elle

Olivia (Anna Torv) braque son arme droit devant elle

Olivia (Anna Torv) avec son arme à la main

Olivia (Anna Torv) avec son arme à la main

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson), derrière une voiture de police

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson), derrière une voiture de police

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick)

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Phillip (Lance Reddick)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : JH Wyman, Jeff Vlaming

Réalisateur :
 Jon Cassar

Guest : Ravil Isyanov (Tomas) ; JR Bourne (Mystery Man) ; Gerard Plunkett (Senator Van Horn) ; Yaroslav Poverlo (Tomas' Brother) ; Joe Towne (Randy Dancik) ; Michelle Harrison (Natalie)

A Boston, dans le Massachusette, Nathalie Rancik appelle son mari su son téléphone portable. Elle pense qu’il est en route pour l’aéroport pour un voyage d’affaires mais en réalité il se trouve chez eux, préparant un rendez-vous surprise pour leur anniversaire. Elle dit qu’elle sera à la maison en cinq minutes et raccroche. Randy entend la télévision s’allumer toute seule et va y jeter un œil. Il l’éteind, non conscient qu’une ombre le suit. Une lumière s’allume d’elle-même, et il se tourne vers elle, se retrouvant aux prises de l’ombre qui a la forme d’une personne….mais personne à laquelle se raccrocher. Quelques minutes plus tard, Natalie arrive et voie Randy assis sur le canapé. Elle le touche… et il se dissout en cendres.

Broyles est en train de manger à un restaurant et un petit garçon se met à l’imiter. Broyles joue le jeu quand il reçoit un appel d’Olivia et part rapidement. Il se rend à l’appartement des Rancik où Olivia, Peter et Walter sont en train d’examiner ce qui reste du corps de Randy. Il n’y a pas de signe d’entrée forcée, ni de batailles. Walter détermine qu’il n’y a aucun signe de brulure sur le canapé sur lequel était assis Randy. Olivia fait le point avec Broyles sur ce qui s’est passé et il demande si Randy était un patient ou un visiteur de l’hôpital dans ces dernières 4µ8 heures. Il confie à Olivia qu’il a déjà vu phénomène similaire auparavant.

Broyles emmène Olivia et Peter à l’installation de stockage où il a gardé les indices du dossier d’il y a quatre ans. Il explique qu’il y a eu cinq morts similaires au Tyson General Hospital. Un homme de l4europe de l’Est avait contacté Broyles après la troisième mort et avait prouvé qu’il était au courant pour les meurtres. Il avait offert de se rendre si Broyles pouvait résoudre une formule spéciale. Broyles donne la formule à Peter qui l’identifie comme un composé organique complexe. Peter apporte la formule à Walter pendant qu’Olivia et Broyles confirment que Randy était récemment au Latchmere General Hospital pour rendre visite à la mère de Nathalie.

A Latchmere, l’entité d’ombre parcourt les couloirs. Le jour suivant, le FBI s’installe à Lachemre et obtient un mandat pour fouiller les dossiers des RH.

Au labo, Walter utilise un compteur Geiger pour vérifier le niveau de radiation des cendres de Randy, mais réalise qu’elles contiennent moins de radiations que n’en aurait des cendres  humaines en cas normal. Il commence à appeler la formule « elle » pendant qu’il essaye de la comprendre.

Olivia et Broyles patientent pendant que l’équipe du FBI parcourt les dossiers des RH. Elle suggère à Broyles  de rentrer chez lui et qu’elle attendra les résultats. Il refuse et elle se demande pourquoi le tueur l’avait appelé. Broyles lui dit que cet homme était distrait et semblait regretter ce qui se passait, et ne pouvait apparemment pas se contrôler.

Cette nuit-là, une infirmière vérifie l’état d’un patient du bloc des soins intensifs et découvre qu’ils ont été transformés en amas de cendres. Broyles et Olivia arrive et Broyles fait sécuriser l’étage ? Les agents du FBI lui disent qu’ils ont pu confirmer qu’un employé, Tomas Koslov, travaillait à Tyson il y a quatre ans et, aujourd’hui, à Latchmere. Cependant, il ne s’était pas présenté pour son tour de garde cette nuit-là. Ils fouillent l’appartement de Koslov et découvrent qu’il s’est déjà enfuit. Il y a des pièces électriques éparpillées un peu partout. Broyles confirme que l’homme utilisait un faux nom et que les pièces sont russes. Ils relèvent une empreinte de doigt des composants et commence à chercher une correspondance dans les bases de données.

Le jour suivant, Broyles écoute un enregistrement cassette qu’il avait fait de sa conversation avec Thomas, où l’homme avait raccroché après que Broyles eut été incapable de résoudre la formule. Il rencontre ensuite le sénateur Van Horn dans un parc. Van Horn explique que l’empreinte avait levé une alerte au quartier général de la CIA. La CIA prendra la direction de l’enquête mais Broyles refuse de lâcher prise. Le sénateur le prévient que Tomas est recherché par la Fédération Russe, qui prétend qu’il leur a volé des choses qui leurs appartenaient. Broyles remercie Van Horn pour son aide, demande rapidement l’état de sa femme, et part.

L’homme connu comme Tomas s’enregistre dans un motel et apporte des batteries de voiture, et les attache à son équipement.

Broyles est à l’aéroport et appelle Olivia à l’hôpital pour lui dire qu’ils vont continuer de s’occuper de l’affaire, mais qu’ils devront tout garder de manière officieuse. Olivia est inquiète que Broyles aient des ennuis et se demande qui le protègera. L’agent de sécurité finit son de passer en revue les enregistrements vidéos et dit à Olivia qu’il y a une ombre sur l’enregistrement, malgré que personne n’y soit rattachée.  Elle l’emmène au labo de Harvard et Walter l’examine. Il pense que les russes on développé leur propre science Fringe et que, de quelque façon, ils ont appris comment transformer Tomas en ombre.

Van Horn envoie secrètement un dossier sut «Tomas », dont le vrai nom est Timur Vasiliev. Timur avait enlevé son frère Alex, un cosmonaute qui était revenu de l’espace dans un état de coma. Depuis lors, Timur avait emmené Alex aux USA et s’était déplacé d’hôpital en hôpital. Ils se rendent compte qu’Alex est toujours à Latchmere.

Walter réalise que l’entité d’ombre absorbe les radiations plutôt que de les projeter. Elle absorbe les hauts niveaux de radiation de ses victimes, privant les atomes de leur énergie et causant ainsi leur transformation en cendre. Randy, le seul non-patient, avait un siège fenêtre sur un vol passager à haute altitude et avait ainsi absorbé des radiations. L’entité l’avait remarqué à l’hôpital et l’avait suivi chez lui pour se nourrir de son énergie.

A Latchmere, l’électricité est coupée et une infirmière par en trouver l’origine. Elle trouve Timur, qui lui injecte un sédatif. Broyles et les autres arrivent quelques minutes plus tard et trouve l’infirmière inconsciente. Ils déterminent qu’Alex est parti.

Walter appelle Olivia et Broyles au labo et leur explique qu’il croit maintenant que l’entité est à l’intérieur d’Alex. Elle a réussi à rentrer à l’intérieur d’Alex quand il était dans l’espace, et projetait l’entité d’ombre pour se nourrir. Walter pense qu’ils peuvent désormais résoudre la formule et a besoin de quelque chose chez lui.

Broyles appelle Timur et lui dit qu’ils ont presque réussi à résoudre la formule. Timur se trouve au motel et branche Alex aux batteries. Il déclenche l’électricité, envoyant un choc à Alex et contenant l’entité. Le coeur de son frère s'arrête de battre quelques instants mais finit par repartir.

Peter et Walter se rendent chez eux et Walter déniche une boîte de Tinker Toys.

Pendant qu’ils attendent l’appel de Timur, Astrid se prépare à tracer l’appel et Olivia demande à Broyles pourquoi il obsédait par l’affaire. Il avoue qu’à l’époque, le gouvernement menaçait de couper les fonds du département Fringe. Il était devenu obsédé par les morts et en conséquence, sa femme l’avait quitté.

Walter utilise les Tinker Toys pour construire une représentation physique de la formule et la résout, mais réalise qu’il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas. Il appelle Olivia pendant que Timur appelle enfin Broyles. Walter dit à Olivia qu’il a appris qu’Alex  et l’entité se sont liés et qu’il n’existe aucun moyen pour l’enlever sans les détruire tous les deux. Broyles transmet la nouvelle à Timur, qui insiste sur le fait qu’il peut contenir l’entité. Il dit à Broyles qu’il sait qu’ils ont besoin de 60 secondes pour tracer l’appel, et Broyles essaye de le convaincre qu’il peut leur faire confiance. Les soixante secondes passent et la ligne reste ouverte : Timur est mort, transformé en cendres car la créature s’est échappée.

Ils retracent l’appel et se rendent au motel. Timur avait transféré Alex dans le van avant de mourir. Walter examine le cosmonaute et pense qu’ils peuvent contenir l’entité à l’intérieur du caisson principal. Cependant, l’entité a de nouveau projeté l’ombre. Alors que Walter commence à paniquer, Peter propose qu’ils utilisent l’équipement électrique de Timur pour choquer Alex et ramener la créature. Walter accepte d’essayer cela.

Dans une chambre proche, une jeune fille, Tara, regarde la télé. L’image de la télé part et quelque chose bouge dans le placard.

Broyles entend Tara hurler, sort son arme à feu et tire dans la tête d’Alex.

La mère de Tara court vérifier l’état de sa fille, qui est hypnotisée par la télé. Tara dit qu’il y avait un homme d’ombre dans sa chambre mais qu’il avait disparu.

Des agents en tenues protectrices place le corps d’Alex dans un caisson avec des écritures russes et l’emmènent.

Plus tard, Broyles va voir sa femme chez elle. Elle lui dit que les enfants ne sont pas là mais il dit qu’il est là pour elle. Il lui confie qu’il a finalement fermé l’affaire et s’apprête à partir. Elle l’invite à rester diner avec son mari, Rob, mais Broyles refuse gentiment et se dirige vers sa voiture. Un agent de la CIA l’attend dans la rue et le félicite, disant que le sénateur Van Horn est un ami fidèle. Il prévient Broyles qu’il est dangereux de désobéir aux ordres de passation de dossier de la CIA. Il dit Broyles de ne pas faire de rapport et commence à s’éloigner. Broyles demande ce qu’ils ont avec Alex et l’agent de la CIA dit qu’Alex n’est pas mort malgré sa blessure mortel à la tête. Ils n’avaient d’autres choix que de le renvoyer. L’homme lève les yeux vers le ciel puis part.


Source: TVRage

Le script provient du site : FRINGEPEDIA


Dancik Residence - Boston, MA


NATALIE DANCIK: Hey, honey, I'm glad I caught you. Where are you? Did you make it?

RANDY DANCIK: Airport lounge. About to board in fifteen minutes. Look, Nat, I know with Mom being sick and me traveling so much I feel bad. I told you it wasn't gonna be like this anymore.

NATALIE DANCIK: It's alright. We'll just do something next weekend when you get back.

RANDY DANCIK: You're not upset?

NATALIE DANCIK: No, I understand, don't worry. I mean, if you have to work, you have to work.

RANDY DANCIK: Are you on your way home?

NATALIE DANCIK: There was some traffic, but I'll be home in about five minutes.

RANDY DANCIK: Hey, listen, they just called my flight.

NATALIE DANCIK: Okay. Have a safe trip. Call me when you land.

RANDY DANCIK: I will. Happy anniversary.


RANDY DANCIK: I love you too.

NATALIE DANCIK: (She enters and and sees flowers.) Randy, you're gonna get it. Randy, you totally got me. I had no idea. Randy, stop it. You're scaring me. Randy? Randy? (Randy's remains begin to disintegrate.) No... no... no...


BROYLES: Broyles.

OLIVIA: This doesn't make any sense. There's no forced entry, no signs of a struggle. Walter, do you have any thoughts?

WALTER: Reminds me of Christmas. Like a fire log that burns so hot it remains intact, holding the shape of its former self. You used to love that when you were a child. You'd poke the log with your little finger when it had cooled, and you'd draw genitalia on the reindeer decorations.

PETER: Happy memories, Walter. But I think what she meant was do you have any thoughts as to what happened to Dusty here?

WALTER: Well -- well, the seat cushions have no scorch marks, which rules out any form of fire or spontaneous combustion.

OLIVIA: So could he have been dosed by something?

WALTER: Yes, it's possible. But before we can determine cause, we need to find some way to transport Mr. Dancik's remains back to my lab. So, um... Well, Peter, I'll need a dust devil.

PETER: A vacuum cleaner?

WALTER: Yes, you're right. Well, we'll need several.

BROYLES: What do we know?

OLIVIA: Randy Dancik. His wife found him. She thought he was on a plane to Hong Kong. But he stayed home to surprise her for their anniversary.

BROYLES: Did this man happen to be a doctor or work in a hospital?

OLIVIA: No, he was an investment banker.

BROYLES: Has he visited a hospital in the last 24 hours?

OLIVIA: I can find out. Why?

BROYLES: It's not the first time I've seen this phenomenon.

Storage Garage

BROYLES: Four years ago in D.C., several victims were turned to dust like Mr. Dancik. By the time the killings ended, there were five deaths. Each of the victims worked at or had recently visited Tyson General down in D.C. After the third death, I was contacted by an Eastern European man. He knew case-specific details. Details that only the killer would have known. He offered to turn himself in, but only if we could decipher his formula.

OLIVIA: What formula?

PETER: It's a molecular model. Some kind of complex organic compound. I recognize a couple of these elements, but the others I'm not so sure.

OLIVIA: What is it?

BROYLES: Don't know, but he implied that solving it was the key to stopping the murders. C.D.C. and N.I.H. chemists worked around the clock but couldn't break it. There were two more victims, and after that, he stopped and the trail went cold.

OLIVIA: Until last night.

PETER: I'm gonna get these to Walter right away.

OLIVIA: Dunham. Thank you. P.D. confirmed with Dancik's wife that he visited his mother in a hospital yesterday morning.

BROYLES: Which hospital?

OLIVIA: Uh, Latchmere General.


Latchmere General Hospital - Mobilzing

ADMINISTRATOR: The Latchmere Health Alliance is actually made up of three separate hospital campuses and a network of diff--

BROYLES: This is the hospital we're interested in. We need to review all your employee records.

OLIVIA: We're looking for an employee here of Eastern European descent who may have also worked in a D.C.-area hospital about four years ago. We're looking for a match.

BROYLES: This is a warrant giving us access to your network servers. My agents will need to take over this office.

YOUNG AGENT: Excuse me, Miss.

Walter's Lab -

PETER: Walter, that is a man's remains you're playing with.

WALTER: Indeed. Reduced to its most elemental components. Carbon and calcium.

ASTRID: One Geiger counter. Batteries replaced.

WALTER: Thank you, my dear.

ASTRID: Mm-hmm.

PETER: You think some sort of radiation passed through him?

WALTER: We all carry low amounts of radiation. The water we drink, the food we eat. Seven rads or so. But that equation describes something organic and highly radioactive. If it has anything to do with the man's death, then this man will be in the mid to low hundreds. This doesn't make any sense. Even reduced to this state, Mr. Dancik should have some trace amounts of radiation.

PETER: Maybe it dissipated when he did.

WALTER: It's unlikely.

ASTRID: Hello? Yup, he's right here. Hang on.

PETER: Thank you. Hello.

ASTRID: Mm-hmm.

OLIVIA: Hey. Has Walter made any headway on the body?

PETER: Just that it doesn't contain any radiation. Otherwise it's just a pile of dust.

OLIVIA: What about the formula?

PETER: He hasn't cracked it yet, but he thinks it may describe some kind of organism. And as of a couple hours ago, he started referring to it as a "she."


PETER: Hold on a second. Here he is.

WALTER: Agent Dunham. The formula is a different matter entirely. She's a complex chemical puzzle. What, I don't know.

OLIVIA: But can you solve it?

WALTER: W--Well, first I would need to break her into her organic and inorganic parts. And then...

OLIVIA: Walter? Hello?

WALTER: Titanium tetrachloride. You sly temptress.

OLIVIA: Walter?

PETER: Hey. Me again. Needless to say, he's into it. I'll keep you posted.

OLIVIA: Okay. Thanks.

Latchmere General Hospital -

BROYLES: What do we have?

YOUNG AGENT: We're indexing the employment records for both hospitals against any Eastern European names. Nothing yet.

OLIVIA: You know, I can stay. You should go home.

BROYLES: I'll wait.

OLIVIA: Why'd the killer call you? Was it just to taunt you?

BROYLES: Quite the opposite. He was distraught. Said he couldn't control it. I got the overwhelming impression that however he was killing these people, he wanted it to end. Until today, I thought maybe it had.

OLIVIA: Something's going on.

BROYLES: Did you see anything? I want this floor sealed.

YOUNG AGENT: Agent Broyles, we have a name. Tomas Koslov. He worked at the hospital in D.C. and quit the week the murders stopped.

OLIVIA: How long till he started working here?

YOUNG AGENT: About a month later. He's a night nurse in the coma unit. He never showed up for his shift tonight.

Vasiliev Apartment - The Raid

BROYLES: FBI. Tomas Koslov?

OLIVIA: Clear.


OLIVIA: He knew we were coming. He must have seen us at the hospital.


Vasiliev Apartment - Investigating

OLIVIA: What do you think it is?

PETER: Soldering iron burns, electronic components. He was building something.

BROYLES: I understand. Thank you for running it. Tomas Koslov was an alias. Nothing on that name in any of our databases. He forged his medical records and previous employment.

PETER: Well, we still know he's Russian.

OLIVIA: Cyrillic letters?

PETER: Tomas, whoever he is, certainly didn't get that from anywhere around here.

BROYLES: Prints?

CSI TECH: Oh, yeah. Good one.

BROYLES: Run it through A.F.I.S.

Old Tape Recording

TIMUR VASILIEV: I don't know how many more will die.

BROYLES: Isn't that up to you? You have the power over what happens next.

TIMUR VASILIEV: No, I don't. You don't understand. This won't stop until you can solve that formula. Now I know you are tapping my line, so, Agent, can you solve it? You have ten seconds before I hang up.

BROYLES: It's been analyzed. The FBI, everyone, top men and women in their field. They simply need more time. Maybe we should meet someplace, you and I, you can explain what it is we're not understand -- Hello? Hello? Come in.

OFFICE AGENT: Agent Broyles, Senator Van Horn's on line three.

Washington, DC. - Classified Conversation

BROYLES: What's so important that we had to meet face-to-face, Senator?

DENNIS VAN HORN: Phillip, when you filed those fingerprints on your suspect, it went wide. The Bureau, Homeland, CIA. Flag went up in Langley. They're gonna take this case from you and demand you cease and desist.

BROYLES: I support interdepartmental transparency 100%. But this was my case four years ago, and it will remain my case.

DENNIS VAN HORN: Your suspect is at the center of an on-going international investigation led by the Russian government. By that definition alone, it falls--

BROYLES: Why are they searching for him? CIA and the Russians? What value does he have to them? Who is he?

DENNIS VAN HORN: According to a statement made by one of their deputy prime ministers, he illegally removed some property belonging to the Russian federation.

BROYLES: Property?


BROYLES: Is that what's killing these people?

DENNIS VAN HORN: I don't know. Within the last hour this case has been kicked three floors above both our heads.

BROYLES: You're a sitting member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, a former FBI agent.


BROYLES: There was a time, Dennis, that you would say that as a matter of pride, not an excuse.

DENNIS VAN HORN: I understand what this case means to you. But I am sorry. There is nothing I can do here.

BROYLES: Please give my regards to Patricia.


OLIVIA: So this is all the surveillance footage from the fourth floor. Excuse me. Hey.

BROYLES: Where are you?

OLIVIA: I'm at Latchmere Hospital just going over security footage from last night.

BROYLES: I've just been informed that the suspect known to us as Tomas Koslov is wanted by the CIA and the Russian government. The CIA is now handling the case.

OLIVIA: And they just expect you to hand it over?

BROYLES: Yes... but I intend to do no such thing. From this point forward, don't put anything down on paper, no documentation. Anything we need to say to each other, we'll do it in person.

OLIVIA: With all due respect, sir, I know that this case is important to you, but, when we break the rules, we've got you to protect us. Who's gonna protect you? I'm afraid that if you don't comply with a direct order--

BROYLES: Agent Dunham, I'm aware of the risks.


OLIVIA: Hang on. We might have something.

SECURITY TECH: This is the adjacent hallway to the crime scene. This is 23 seconds before the victim was discovered. Did you see that?

OLIVIA: Yeah. A man's shadow. So can you get a better angle on his face?

SECURITY TECH: Yes, this is a different angle, same hallway. We should see him head-on here. The light here would register an image. There is no face.

BROYLES: Dunham. What is it?

OLIVIA: I think you're gonna want to see this.


Walter's Lab -

WALTER: No reflections or highlights. No translucency. This is clearly its own entity.

BROYLES: How is that possible?

WALTER: It's possible that the technology that our Russian friend stole allows him to become this shadow.

PETER: Are you suggesting that this was some sort of Russian experiment?

WALTER: Because they're from the other side of the world, Peter, it is so hard to believe that they would have their own stripe of the inconceivable? Really I'm always amazed at their advancements. Even 40 years ago. You wouldn't believe what those pinkos were up to.

PETER: Russian fringe science. There's a pleasant thought.

Federal Building - Elevator Lobby

OFFICE AGENT: Agent Broyles, this just came in from D.C. Senator Van Horn's office.

BROYLES: It turns out that it wasn't technology that Timur stole six years ago. He abducted his brother.

OLIVIA: The cosmonaut.

BROYLES: Officially, the Russian Space Agency states he died in space. He didn't.

OLIVIA: Why would they say he's dead if he's not? What happened to him up there?

BROYLES: According to these documents, they still don't understand.

OLIVIA: Are you saying the cosmonaut's the shadow?

BROYLES: I don't know. But what is clear is Timur took his brother from the secret quarantine facility where he was being studied.


BROYLES: He returned from his mission in a coma.

OLIVIA: And Timur's been working in a coma ward both here and in D.C.

BROYLES: I think Timur's been moving his brother around from hospital to hospital and guarding him.

OLIVIA: So where's his brother now?

BROYLES: Presumably still at Latchmere Hospital. No bodies have been removed from the coma ward for the past two weeks.

OLIVIA: Okay, well, I'll get a team together.

BROYLES: We're good. We're ready to go there now.

Walter's Lab -

PETER: So Walter and I were discussing how radiation pertains to this formula...

WALTER: ...Yes, which led to a theory about the shadow. Initially, I assumed there would be a radiation surplus in the victim from the penthouse. I was mistaken. It's not the radiation that's killing them. Quite the opposite. It's the radiation that the entity is after.

ASTRID: This thing passes through victims to absorb radiation?

WALTER: And disintegrates them in the process.

PETER: All five of the victims were undergoing radiation treatment at the time of their deaths.

WALTER: Um, except for the penthouse guy. He died of bad luck.

PETER: The day that he visited Latchmere General, he took a cross-country flight in a window seat. 30,000 feet closer to the Sun. It's like getting a big fat head X-ray.

ASTRID: So this thing followed him from the hospital? I'm not gonna sleep for weeks.

Latchmere Hospital - Rounds

NURSE MAXINE: I'll go check the patients.

NURSE DARLA: Okay. Coma ward. Yeah, the lights and all the security monitors are down. We're going to backup power. Okay.

NURSE MAXINE: Tomas. What are you doing here? It's not your shift.

TIMUR VASILIEV: It's hard to explain. I have to disconnect the patient. I need it to confuse the monitors. I can't let them see me take him. Maxine, I wish you hadn't seen me here.

OLIVIA: Are all the patients accounted for?

BROYLES: Are they accounted for?

NURSE DARLA: Yes! Every bed. But, Maxine, she came in here a few minutes ago.

OLIVIA: He swapped her for his brother.

NURSE DARLA: She's been sedated.




OLIVIA: How long has he been at it like this?

PETER: Three hours.

WALTER: Don't touch! Don't touch! Olivia? Agent Broyles. What a pleasant surprise. Could you get us some licorice, please, dear?

BROYLES: Doctor Bishop. As unlikely as it seems, is it possible that this cosmonaut somehow is our killer?

WALTER: It wasn't the cosmonaut. But it could be something inside him. It's possible that, while in outer space, the cosmonaut took a spacewalk and brought something back with him. An organism capable of projecting itself without ever really leaving its host.

BROYLES: I'm not following.

WALTER: It's like when a ventriloquist throws his voice. The organism can project another version of itself, what we perceive as the shadow, without ever really leaving the cosmonaut's body. Now I have to get back to her.

BROYLES: Doctor Bishop. We have a phone number for Timur Vasiliev based on his employment records. We can leave a voice mail message for him and hope that at some point he retrieves it. Can we tell him that we can solve the formula?

OLIVIA: Walter? Can we?

WALTER: Yes. I can dominate her, Agent Broyles. But first I need something from home.

Vasiliev Hotel Room - FBI Calling

MESSAGE RECORDER: You have two new messages. Message received 3:14 P.M.

JERRY LARSEN: Hi, this is Jerry Larsen again from Human Resources at Hartswell Medical Center. We've looked over your resume, and, boy, it's really something else. I think there's a position here for you.

TIMUR VASILIEV: (in Russian) We're going to have a new home, brother.

JERRY LARSEN: Call me when you get to town. We'll show you around Minneapolis. Thanks again now.

MESSAGE RECORDER: You have one new message. Message received 6:45 P.M.

BROYLES: This is Special Agent Broyles from the FBI. I'm the agent you spoke with four years ago. I have information about the formula for you. Call me at 617-555-0118.

TIMUR VASILIEV: (in Russian) This is our only way to contain the shadow. Forgive me Aleks. Forgive me. You can't give in. You are stronger. I'm sorry this hurts. Fight I tell you! I need to use more current. It's getting stronger. Aleks...

ALEKS VASILIEV: (in Russian) ... Stop it! Enough! I'm begging you!

TIMUR VASILIEV: (in Russian): You have to live. Aleks. You have to live. Live! We'll show them.

Bishop House -

WALTER: I've been thinking too linearly. Deductive. Restrictive. I must expand my thinking.

PETER: If you're looking for your acid tabs, Walter, don't bother. I threw 'em out.

WALTER: No, son, this is not a job for the purple blotter. The right tool for this job... is Tinker Toys.

Walter's Lab -

ASTRID: Okay. All he has to do is call in, and we can trace it.

OLIVIA: I've been wanting to ask you something. Why this one? Why is this case so important to you?

BROYLES: Four years ago, when this case happened, it was at a moment in time that fringe division had fallen out of favor. The government was siphoning money away from us for things that had more... public results. But at a certain point, I stopped caring about my profile or promotions. I just wanted to make the world a safer place. Anyway... I became obsessed with this case. And for my wife... it was the straw that broke the camel's back. It ended our marriage. I took this job to make the world a safer place for my family. Instead, I lost them.

WALTER: That's it. Physical representation of the formula.

PETER: Something wrong?

WALTER: Could you hold that end, please, Peter? Oh, no.

TIMUR VASILIEV: (in Russian) I know Aleks, I'm tired of running too.

ASTRID: That's him.

BROYLES: Call Doctor Bishop. This is Agent Broyles.

TIMUR VASILIEV: I saw you in the hospital.

BROYLES: I thought you might have.

TIMUR VASILIEV: In your message, you said you had new information about the formula.

BROYLES: That's right.

TIMUR VASILIEV: Have you solved it this time?

OLIVIA: Peter, we've got Timur on the line. I need Walter.

PETER: He's right here. Hold on a sec. It's Olivia.

WALTER: Hello, Agent Dunham.

OLIVIA: Walter, have you solved the formula?

WALTER: Yes... but it's bad news, unfortunately.

TIMUR VASILIEV: I know, like last time, you are tapping the line. You need sixty seconds. I'm giving you ten before I hang up. Don't make the same mistake again.

WALTER: I believe the Russians have tried to remove the organism from the cosmonaut -- they couldn't. It is not possible. The two have become one. Bonded at a molecular level. They can't be separated. You can't kill the organism without killing them both.

TIMUR VASILIEV: Agent. I'm going to hang up now.

BROYLES: We have the answer, Timur. But I don't think it's the one you want to hear. I'm afraid your brother and whatever's inside of him have become one and the same. But the people I work with, if anyone can help your brother, they can. But we'll need to see your brother. Timur?

TIMUR VASILIEV: I don't want him harmed.

OLIVIA: Just ten more seconds.

BROYLES: Tell me where you are, Timur.

TIMUR VASILIEV: I have managed to keep it at bay. He's not going to hurt anyone else. For now.

BROYLES: We'll take care of him. I want this to end as much as you do. But you've got to tell me where you are, Timur. You can trust us. Timur? Timur?


Vasiliev Hotel - The Shadow Man

ASTRID: I've got him. His line's still open.

BROYLES: Start triangulating the position.

BROYLES: Van door's open. He's moving his brother.

PETER: Hold on, let me help you with that.

WALTER: Pupils dilated. His breathing's normal. For a coma.

PETER: What's with all these jumper cables?

WALTER: Agent Broyles said that Timur was certain he could contain it. Perhaps so by administering electric shocks, distressing the cosmonaut.

OLIVIA: But it didn't work.


OLIVIA: It killed Timur.

BROYLES: Doctor Bishop, how will you contain it before it kills again?

WALTER: I imagine we would need a lead case for starters, big enough for his entire body. Oh, no.

OLIVIA: What's wrong?

WALTER: Before we attempt anything, we have to wait until the shadow returns to the cosmonaut. There's no radiation. Which means the organism is here, but it's already projected the shadow elsewhere.

PETER: Walter, you said that Timur could contain it by distressing the host. Do you think you could draw the shadow back doing the same thing?

OLIVIA: Walter? Is that possible?

WALTER: I don't know. I don't know how it behaves.

PETER: But it could work. Since they're connected.

WALTER: I don't know! Theoretically, yes. If you hurt the host, you hurt the organism.

OLIVIA: Walter, it's out there now. Do you think you could try?

WALTER: Yes. Yes. Yes.

(cartoon meanies): He doesn't belong, we don't want his kind, get rid of him.

(cartoon cutie): I may have a different color, but I'm still alive in my...

OLIVIA: Walter?

WALTER: This equipment, it's in Russian.

BROYLES: Stand back!

MOM: Tara! Hey, what's wrong? What happened? Hey. Tara.

TARA: There was a man. A shadow man. He disappeared.

Diane's House - Case Closed

DIANE: Phillip.


DIANE: The kids aren't here. They--they went over to Sadie's.

BROYLES: Actually, I came to talk to you. I just wanted to tell you that...

ROB: Hey, Phil.

BROYLES: Hey, Rob. I closed that case. The one four years ago.

DIANE: Hmm. I'm happy for you. I mean that.

BROYLES: Thank you.

DIANE: Do you want to come in? Have some dinner with us?

BROYLES: No. I, um -- I'll let you get back to your dinner. Good night, Diane.

DIANE: Good night, Phillip.

CIA Man: Agent Broyles. You got a real friend in Senator Van Horn.

BROYLES: Is that so?

CIA Man: When the CIA says, cease and desist, we kind of mean it. A person could get into a lot of trouble.

BROYLES: I guess I should thank Senator Van Horn then.

CIA Man: Understatement. So, this thing, there isn't going to be any report. Right?

BROYLES: Hey. What did you guys do with him, the cosmonaut?

CIA Man: We had no choice. Once he started breathing again.

Kikavu ?

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ShanInXYZ, 04.12.2024 à 03:19

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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