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#213 : Toxine sélective

Lorsque les invités d'un mariage à Brookline, Massachussets, meurent asphyxiés par une toxine, l’équipe mène l’enquête pour découvrir comment celle-ci a été administrée et qui était la cible.

Il s’avère qu’il s’agit d’une expérience grandeur nature destinée à tester une arme mise au point en laboratoire.

La Fringe Division doit arrêter les attaques mortelles qui se multiplient. Mais les recherches de Walter débouchent sur des ramifications inattendues : la famille Bishop serait impliquée dans la fabrication de la toxine.

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4.64 - 11 votes

Titre VO
The Bishop Revival

Titre VF
Toxine sélective

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Promo Fringe - Bones

Promo Fringe - Bones


Photos promo

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Walter (John Noble)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Walter (John Noble)

Peter (Joshua jackson) montre sa trouvaille à Olivia (Anna Torv) et Walter (John Noble)

Peter (Joshua jackson) montre sa trouvaille à Olivia (Anna Torv) et Walter (John Noble)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) sent les bougies

Peter (Joshua Jackson) sent les bougies

Olivia (Anna Torv) regarde Walter (John Noble) observer le corps de la victime

Olivia (Anna Torv) regarde Walter (John Noble) observer le corps de la victime

Walter (John Noble) ouvre les paupières de la victime

Walter (John Noble) ouvre les paupières de la victime

Olivia (Anna Torv) avec un masque à gaz

Olivia (Anna Torv) avec un masque à gaz

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Walter (John Noble) et Peter (Joshua Jackson)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) fait une découverte

Peter (Joshua Jackson) fait une découverte

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) regardent Walter (John Noble) observer le corps de la victime

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) regardent Walter (John Noble) observer le corps de la victime

Peter (Joshua Jackson) agenouillé à côté d'un corps

Peter (Joshua Jackson) agenouillé à côté d'un corps

Peter (Joshua Jackson) expose sa théorie sur les bougies à Olivia (Anna Torv)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) expose sa théorie sur les bougies à Olivia (Anna Torv)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Olivia (Anna Torv) s'inquiètent de l'état de Walter (John Noble)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Olivia (Anna Torv) s'inquiètent de l'état de Walter (John Noble)

Walter (John Noble), Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Olivia (Anna Torv)

Walter (John Noble), Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Olivia (Anna Torv)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) porte un carton sous les yeux d'Olivia (Anna Torv)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) porte un carton sous les yeux d'Olivia (Anna Torv)

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Olivia (Anna Torv) inspectent la maison

Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Olivia (Anna Torv) inspectent la maison

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) s'inquiètent de l'état de Walter (John Noble)

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) s'inquiètent de l'état de Walter (John Noble)

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) s'assurent que Walter (John Noble) va mieux

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Peter (Joshua Jackson) s'assurent que Walter (John Noble) va mieux

Olivia (Anna Torv) rassurée de voir Walter (John Noble) en meilleure forme

Olivia (Anna Torv) rassurée de voir Walter (John Noble) en meilleure forme

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Walter (John Noble)

Olivia (Anna Torv) et Walter (John Noble)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Le Détective Manning (Dan Joffre) et Olivia (Anna Torv)

Le Détective Manning (Dan Joffre) et Olivia (Anna Torv)

Olivia (Anna Torv), Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Walter (John Noble) observent le corps de la victime

Olivia (Anna Torv), Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Walter (John Noble) observent le corps de la victime

Olivia (Anna Torv), Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Walter (John Noble) s'interrogent sur la cause de la mort des victimes

Olivia (Anna Torv), Peter (Joshua Jackson) et Walter (John Noble) s'interrogent sur la cause de la mort des victimes

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia (Anna Torv) s'entretient avec le Détective Manning (Dan Joffre)

Olivia (Anna Torv) s'entretient avec le Détective Manning (Dan Joffre)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv)

Plus de détails

Scénaristes : Glen Whitman, Robert Chiappetta

Réalisateur : Adam Davidson

Guest : Lauren Attadia (Amanda), John Macintyre (Young Usher), Barbara Kottmeier (Shelley), Dan Joffre (Detective Manning), Leonard Tenisci (Harry Staller), Nancy Linari (Eliza Staller), Aaron Brooks (Josh Staller), Brendon Zub (David Staller), Alberta Mayne (Young Mother), Sierra Pitkin (Jordan), Max Train (Max Train), Craig Robert (Young Alfred Hoffman), Magda Harout (Nana Staller).

A Brookline, Massachusetts, les amis et la famille arrivent pour le mariage de David Staller et Shelley Milton. David, un asthmatique, est boit un verre nerveusement avec ses amis dans l’un des bureaux de la salle de réception. La mère de David vérifie que Shelley va bien et lui souhaite la bienvenue dans la famille.

Dans le hall de réception, la vieille Nana observe les invités se rassembler, quand elle repère un jeune homme blond  près de la porte, observant lui aussi le rassemblement. Elle demande à son amie Lynn si l’homme est un invité, mais Lynn ne sait pas qui il est non plus. Nana finit par reconnaitre l’homme et le pointe du doigt devant tout le monde. Elle commence à s’étouffer, puis s’effondre à terre, et d’autres membres de la famille Steller se mettent également à étouffer et à s’effondrer. L’homme blond, satisfait, part.

Olivia arrive et parle avec le détective principal, Burt Manning. Il confirme qu’ils ont pu décompter 14 personnes  morte jusque là. Walter et Peter arrivent, Walter conduit la voiture… très mal. Alors qu’ils arrivent, Walter parle de combien il aimerait voir Peter se  marier, et se demande quand comptera-t-il faire sa demande à Olivia. Peter insiste qu’il n’a aucune intention de se marier avec Olivia. Walter confirme que toutes les victimes sont apparemment mortes asphyxiées. Olivia confirme que toutes les victimes étaient des Staller, et conclut qu’ils avaient été empoisonnés d’une certaine façon. Quand elle examine le bras de Nana, elle découvre que la femme décédée a un numéro de camp de concentration tatoué. Alors qu’Olivia et Peter fouillent le bâtiment, ils vont dans le bureau où le marié et ses amis sont rassemblés. Ils entendent un bruit dans le placard et découvrent David Staller, cherchant à reprendre son souffle. Il tombe par terre et meurt, son inhalateur pour asthme tombant de sa main.

Walter fait emmener un corps au labo et confirme qu’ils descendent tous de la même personne. Tous ceux qui ont survécu, dont un petit enfant illégitime, n’étaient pas des Staller. Quand il vérifie le sang des victimes, Walter découvre qu’il est bleu, confirmant que la toxine avait réussi à empêcher le traitement de l’oxygène. David avec survécu un peu plus longtemps grâce à l’usage de l’inhalateur au moment de la libération de la toxine.

Olivia parle à la mère de Shelley, qui lui raconte comment Nana avec pointé l’homme blond du doigt. Pendant qu’Olivia lui fait regarder les enregistrements du mariage, Peter examine les bougies et découvre que l’une d’elle sent la cinnamone alors que les autres sentent le jasmin. Ils l’emmènent au labo  et Walter l’analyse pendant qu’Olivia et Astrid examinent les vidéos du mariage. Elles trouvent l’homme blond pendant que Walter confirme que la bougie contient bien des traces d’un dérivé de cyanure d’hydrogène. Il fait l’hypothèse que durant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, Josef Mengele faisait des expériences avec un poison qui pourrait cibler certains individus au sein d’un large groupe, et que quelqu’un aurait créé ce poison. Ils avaient utilisé le mariage pour  un test de terrain, et ils frapperaient à nouveau pour confirmer le taux de succès de la toxine.

L’homme blond se rend dans un café et demande au vendeur une tasse de thé vraiment très chaude. Puis il s’assoie à une table près de Jordan et de sa mère. Quand la mère de Jordan fait les louanges de sa fille, l’homme blond la complimente pour son intelligence. Il sort ensuite de sa poche une fiole de liquide noir, la secoue et la verse dans sa tasse de thé. Le liquide commence à faire des bulles alors que la mère commente que cela sent le cinnamone.

L’équipe Fringe est appelée après que neuf personnes soient morte à un café. Cette fois, les victimes ne sont pas liées par le sang, mais Walter se rend compte que toutes les victimes ont les yeux marron. Olivia trouve la tasse de thé sentant le cinnamone et Broyles y fait relever les empreintes. Walter pense que celui qui a créé le poison peut le façonner pour certains traits génétiques spécifiques, comme un lien familial ou des yeux marron. Alors que Walter et Peter retournent au labo, l’homme blond les observe, de l’autre côté de la rue. Il demande à un policier si Walter est le « Dr. Bischoff ». Quand il apprend que le nom de Walter est Bishop, il remarque que Walter ressemble trait pour trait à son père.

Le labo du FBI est incapable de relever les empreints du verre. Walter fait analyser les résidus et obtient une magnification des éléments clés. Il explique que quelqu’un a créé la toxine pour n’attaquer que certaines qualités génétiques spécifiques. L’un des ingrédients est régulé par le gouvernement et Astrid commence à vérifier les sources  de provisions. Alors que Walter examine la magnification, il repère une image d’hippocampe et explique que les chimistes aimaient laisser une signature personnelle dans leurs créations. Il reconnait l’hippocampe et explique qu’il appartient à son père, Robert Bischoff. Son père était un nageur expert, surnommé « l’Hippocampe ». Il vivait en Allemagne ne 1943 et avait travaillé pour les américains en tant qu’espion contre es allemands, faisant des rapports sur leurs avancées scientifiques. Walter retrouve les cartons contenants les affaires de son père et explique que son père avait changé de nom pour Bishop quand il avait immigré vers les USA. Il se souvient avoir vu certaines de ses formules dans l’un des livres de Robert. Cependant, Peter lui dit qu’il a vendu les livres il y a dix ans car il avait besoin d’argent. Walter en colère lui dit que le tueur doit avoir récupéré la formule de l’un des livres et que c’est maintenant de la faut de Peter si le tueur utilise la formule de Robert pour tuer.

L’homme blond se rend dans la maison de Peter et de Walter, prend une pomme du réfrigérateur et commence à fouiller la maison.

Peter et Olivia rencontrent le contact de Peter, Edward Markam, qui s’occupe de livres rares. Peter avait vendu les livres à Markam, et Peter convainc le vendeur de livres de vérifier ses registres. Pendant qu’ils attendent, Olivia se demande si Peter avait vraiment vendu les livres pour l’argent comme il le prétend. Peter avoue qu’il était en colère contre Walter à ce moment là. Markam revient et leur dit que la personne qui lui a acheté les livres de Robert est un certain Eric Franko.

L’homme blond, Alfred Hoffman, travaille dans un laboratoire secret, préparant une nouvelle dose de toxine.

Peter et Olivia se rendent au domicile de Franko et s’y introduisent par effraction. Ils découvrent qu’il a recouvert les murs avec es images de nazis. Quand il entre, Olivia   le capture et exige une explication. Franko explique qu’il est artiste et que les images sont des collages qu’il a créés en utilisant des pages de livres allemands. Peter convainc Franko de lui rendre les livres.

Au labo, Walter contemple les collages de Franko, en colère, et ignore Peter quand il essaye de s’excuser d’avoir vendu les livres. Franko n’avait jamais exposé son travail. Ils arrivent à la conclusion que le tueur a trouvé la formule d’une autre manière. Walter analyse les huiles corporelles des empreintes digitales trouvées sur la tasse de thé mais n’arrive pas à trouver un signal ADN correspondant dans les bases de données. De plus, Walter conclut que les huiles sont contaminées car elles semblent provenir de quelqu’un qui aurait plus de cent ans. Alors qu’ils cherchent une solution, Peter se demande si la toxine ne pourrait pas être façonnée pour cibler une combinaison de traits génétiques, et Walter avoue que c’est possible.

Hoffman se rend à Shantytown où un sans-abri vit avec son chien. Le Nazi place une cannette en face de la tente de l’homme, explique qu’il teste un système de dispersion rapide et invite l’homme à regarder. Hoffman allume le contenu. Le gaz se disperse rapidement , tuant le sans-abri.

Au labo, Walter essaye de recréer la toxine en utilisant des rats comme sujets. Olivia trouve les noms des trois individus qui ont achetées les composants chimiques nécessaires pour la toxine. Walter élimine deux d’entre eux, étant des industries. Le troisième a indiqué une adresse de maison. Olivia demande à une équipe d’assaut du FBI de les rejoindre là-bas.

Chez lui, Hoffman découpe des photos de lui-même et utilise l’une d’entre elles pour faire une fausse carte d’identification. Olivia et les autres s’infiltrent dans la maison. Hoffman les entend, range les cannettes de poison puis allume un brûleur de cuisinière. Au-dessus, se trouve un verre à bec rempli de la toxine. Quand Olivia et les autres trouvent le labo caché, ils découvrent qu’Hoffman avait de nombreuses bouteilles de poison, chacune identifiant un trait génétique différent. Ils trouvent également les restes de photos, et se rendent compte qu’il créait une fausse carte d’identification. Peter trouve un sweater appartenant à Walter… alors que Walter se met étouffer. Remarquant le verre de toxine, ils font rapidement sortir Walter et lui donne directement de l’oxygène pour contrer les effets de la toxine avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.

Hoffman se rend à un centre de conférence à Boston et fait la queue pour passer la sécurité.

Quand Walter reprend ses esprits, il conclut que le tueur sait que Robert Bischoff était un espion et avait ciblé Walter pour se venger. Ils trouvent une pièce de plastique avec un logo dessus, et Peter reconnait l’organisation à laquelle il appartient.

Hoffman est fouillé pour des armes mais le garde de la sécurité ne trouve rien. Il laisse passer Hoffman dans la conférence pour l’Initiative de Tolérance Mondiale.

Olivia et Peter, en route vers le centre de conférence,  passe l’info à Broyles, et le prévient qu’ils n’ont plus beaucoup de temps. Walter reste derrière, au labo d’Hoffman. Il trouve une pièce d’équipement singulière et la ramasse.

A l’intérieur du centre de conférence, Hoffman se déguise en serveur et place les cannettes toxiques sous les stations de services.

Quand Astrid arrive au labo d’Hoffman, elle trouve Walter travaillant désespérément avec la toxine. Il lui dit qu’il peut arrêter Hoffman.

Le FBI fouille le centre de conférence à la recherche de bougies qui seraient utilisées pour propager la toxine. Alors que Peter et Olivia cherchent, ils ne sont pas au courant que Walter et Astrid sont arrivés. Walter monte les escaliers jusqu’au balcon, insistant sur le fait qu’il doit être le plus haut possible.

Peter cherche l’étage où aura lieu la conférence et finit par réaliser où se trouvent  les cannettes remplies de toxine. Juste à temps, il arrête un traiteur qui allait en allumer une. Lui et Olivia entende quelqu’un tousser et court vers l’origine du bruit. C’est Hoffman, qui est en train d’être étouffé par sa propre toxine. Ils lèvent la tête et voient Walter, utilisant l’appareil d’Hoffman pour projeter la toxine plus bas dans la pièce. Hoffman hurle à Walter qu’il est un traitre, puis meurt. Walter le regarde une minute puis s’en va.

Broyles arrive et Walter explique qu’il avait utilisé l’ADN d’Hoffman pour façonner la toxine afin de ne cibler que le tueur. Walter avoue qu’il sait qu’il a fait quelque chose de mal, mais ne le regrette pas. Broyles lui souhaite simplement une bonne nuit et s’éloigne. Walter essaye d‘expliquer à Olivia qu’Hoffman avait corrompu le travail  de Robert et que Walter ferait n’importe quoi pour sa famille. Olivia se retourne et part, et Walter observe Peter qui se tient non loin de lui.

 Cette nuit-là, Peter rentre chez lui et montre à Walter qu’il a récupéré tous les livres restant de Robert chez Franko. Walter accepte l’excuse sous-entendue et avoue que Robert et Peter se ressemblent beaucoup. Peter se demande comment Hoffman a pu obtenir la formule mais Walter admet qu’ils ne résoudront probablement jamais ce mystère. Il ne sait pas que parmi les biens appartenant à son père se trouve une photo sur laquelle apparait Hoffman à l’arrière-plan.


Source: TVRage

Le script provient du site : FRINGEPEDIA


Wedding Party - Initial Testing

(peaceful music plays in preparation for an afternoon wedding at a nice estate)

HARRY STALLER: (prepping the video camera for new arrivals and pre-ceremony interviews) Okay... color and sound check, Milton-Staller wedding.

MISTER STALLER: (father of the groom greets friends of the bride as they enter) Linda, Neal.

LINDA: Hi, Mr. Staller. (hand shake/kiss)

MISTER STALLER: Glad you could make it. Good to see you. (hand shake/hug for Neal)

LYNN ARRENDT: (old friends arrive with escorts) Hey, take it easy, Nana. There's no hurry.

NANA STALLER: (fiesty senior matron) You take it easy. This my regular speed.

(in a private part of the house, bridesmaids attend to the lady of the day as the nuptials draw near)

ELIZA STALLER: Everyone decent in here? (mother of groom knocks on door to enter with video man)

SHELLEY MILTON: (to future mother-in-law) Come on in, Mrs. Staller.

ELIZA STALLER: Look who I brought, Shelley. (future little brother-in-law carrying video camera) This is how David can see you in your dress before the wedding without the bad luck. Oh... you look stunning.

SHELLEY MILTON: Thank you so much for... everything.

ELIZA STALLER: I'm so happy you're joining the family. (trying not to tear-up) David is lucky to have you. (girl hug) Okay. I'm crying now. Let's not film this part. (to cameraman) No, no, no. (marches out of the room) Turn it off, turn it off.

(groomsmen gathered elsewhere in the house gather for adult beverage consumption. the groom seems anxious and may be getting asthmatic)


JOSH STALLER: It'll calm him down. (about the alcohol)

DAVID STALLER: (wedding day jitters) I didn't think I'd be this nervous.

JOSH STALLER: Oh... happens to everyone, even me. And, uh, look how I turned out.

(in the now crowded ceremony and reception area)

NANA STALLER: Lynn... who is that man? (about the trim, cropped blond hair male standing across the room and surveying the crowd)

LYNN ARRENDT: I don't know. Must be from Shelley's side.

(still waiting in the wings)

JOSH STALLER: Just breathe, man.

HARRY STALLER: No, where's your inhaler? Where is it? (hands over the inhaler to his brother) It's here. (to the prying cameraman) Harry, just give us a few minutes? Sorry. You're alright. Just a couple minutes. He's okay. He's good. He's okay. (enters the main room with guests and announces) It's okay, it's okay. I can safely say David is not going to run. So just, uh, everybody hang tight. He'll be fine. He's just had a little bit of a reaction...

NANA STALLER: (drawing on some of her worst memories, she begins to remember the man standing on the other side of the room) It can't be. It can't be. It can't be true.

LYNN ARRENDT: What's wrong, Nana?

NANA STALLER: It can't be. It's him. (stands and walks toward the man, pointing at him)

LYNN ARRENDT: Nana, what are you talking about?

NANA STALLER: It's -- It's him. (sobbing, she collapses as he stoically looks on) You! You!

ELIZA STALLER: Nana, what's wrong?

LYNN ARRENDT: Nana, my God, what is it? (as half the guests begin to hack and choke violently)

ELIZA STALLER: Oh, my God. Someone call 911. Josh! Sweetheart! My God! (as the man, Alfred Hoffman, turns and walks from the scene) What is happening?


Wedding Party - Team Arrival

BURT MANNING: Agent Dunham.

OLIVIA: Detective.

BURT MANNING: Burt Manning. We spoke on the phone.

OLIVIA: So has anyone touched anything?

BURT MANNING: M.E.'s inside. We put them in a holding pattern until you got here. It's pretty bad.

OLIVIA: Do we have a final count on the victims?

BURT MANNING: 14... so far.

WALTER: I quite like weddings. Did I ever tell you about when your mother and I, God rest her soul, got married?

PETER: No, no, no. I think I missed that one. And try to stop driving with both feet. Walter, Walter!

WALTER: She was so beautiful, Peter. So beautiful in white. I won't deny I was never happier. I kept my tuxedo in the hope that one day I would have a son who would wear it. You could wear it on your wedding day.

PETER: Yeah, you know, Walter? Tuxedo styles change.

WALTER: Oh, nonsense. Purple never goes out of style. And the day may come sooner than you think. Do you think she'll call me Dad?


WALTER: Agent Dunham.

PETER: My guess would be no.

WALTER: Don't look at me like that. She's just what you need. Someone who can see right through you. Agent Dunham, don't you look lovely today? Doesn't she look lovely, Peter?

PETER: You look lovely, Agent Dunham.

WALTER: Doctor Walter Bishop. How do you do?

OLIVIA: Lose a bet?

PETER: It was either that or flying lessons.

WALTER: Swelling of the vitreous humor.

PETER: Mm-hmm.

WALTER: Petechial hemorrhaging.

PETER: Yeah, not to mention the blue skin. It's definitely asphyxiation.

WALTER: The airway's clear.

PETER: Yeah, same here.

WALTER: No fluid in the lungs.

OLIVIA: So all the victims that I've identified so far are on the groom's side. I mean, maybe they came in contact with something before the wedding.

PETER: Anaphylactic shock. Maybe they're all having an allergic reaction to something they ate or drank.

WALTER: That would be logical, if they were all exposed at the same time, I suppose.

OLIVIA: I'll have the detectives reconstruct where they all were. We may find a connection. She was a Holocaust survivor.

WALTER: That's dreadful -- to survive a thing like that... and finish up like this.

OLIVIA: Walter, do you think this could be a deliberate attack?

WALTER: I don't know yet. All I know for certain is that these 14 people suffocated in a room full of air.

PETER: There's gotta be something they all ate or drank. There, maybe that.

OLIVIA: God, it's hard to believe that a few hours ago this was actually a happy place.

OLIVIA: Oh, my God! We need a medic on the second floor!

PETER: Alright.

OLIVIA: He's dropped his inhaler. Grab it.


Wedding Party - Interviewing Eliza

WALTER: It's curious. All 15 victims. So they're all blood relatives, then.

ASTRID: Yes. All of the victims are direct descendants of Eva Staller.

WALTER: Holocaust survivor.

ASTRID: And anyone not related to her survived, along with one grandchild who I think might be illegitimate.

WALTER: Therefore, not a blood relative, or I suspect he would have perished too. Ostrich, can you come here, dear? What color is this? The blood?

ASTRID: It's blue.

WALTER: Good. Then I'm not imagining it. Something has bonded with the hemoglobin in the blood, changing its color and robbing the body of oxygen. I believe these people literally suffocated from the inside out.

ASTRID: Walter! No, that might... be what killed him.

WALTER: No, that kept him alive longer than the others. I suspect it temporarily weakened the toxin. That still leaves the how. How was the toxin delivered?

OLIVIA: Mrs. Staller, I understand that you were in charge of the guest list? Did you notice anyone who shouldn't have been at the wedding? Someone who wasn't invited.

ELIZA STALLER: No. Of course, I don't know the bride's entire family. Although, my mother-in-law, she was very upset with someone before -- a man I had never seen before. I thought she was just having a moment.

OLIVIA: If we showed you the wedding video, do you think that you would be able to point him out?

ELIZA STALLER: I could try. It's jasmine. Shelley picked out the scent. Represents happiness and love. Do you mind giving me a moment?

OLIVIA: Of course.

ELIZA STALLER: I'll help you with the video.

OLIVIA: Thank you.

PETER: She just said all the rest of the candles in this place are jasmine, right?

OLIVIA: Mm-hmm.

PETER: Smell that. This one's cinnamon.

Walter's Lab - Test Group


WALTER: Patience, son. Just like when you were a little boy, your mother used to say you had ants in your pants. Put that in the spectrometer.

PETER: Okay.

OLIVIA: That's the man that Mrs. Staller identified. Can you make it clearer?

ASTRID: I can try. Oh, that's the best I can do.

OLIVIA: Alright. Well, upload it to the Joint Law Enforcement Database and maybe we'll get a hit.

ASTRID: Alright.

PETER: Walter. Come here. Take a look at this.

WALTER: Oh... that is interesting. You were right. This is our toxin. Appears to be a variant of -- what is that? Hydrogen cyanide? The candle would suggest that it was activated by heat, and then dispersed into the air.

OLIVIA: Well, if it was in the air, how come it only killed some of the guests?

WALTER: Good question.


WALTER: Chemical weapons. Death by asphyxiation. The Nazis. I knew this was familiar.

OLIVIA: The Nazis?

WALTER: The Nazis were scientific pioneers. They attempted to advance every branch of science -- Molecular bombs, flying saucers, eternal youth. Before DNA was even discovered, Josef Mengele wanted to create a weapon capable of targeting specific victims, a weapon capable of -- of picking people out in a crowd, just like what happened here. It seems that science may have finally caught up with Nazi ambition.

OLIVIA: Mrs. Staller was a Holocaust survivor. Do you think that that's...

WALTER: ...relevant? I don't know, Olivia. Of course, I'm not saying that this is the work of the Nazis. Nor suddenly am I convinced that this was just a murder. A wedding is the perfect laboratory. You have your target group, the Stallers, and you have your control group, everyone else.

OLIVIA: Are you saying that you think this was a science experiment?

WALTER: It's a theory. And one that I think I can prove.


WALTER: A scientist always tries to recreate his results. If I'm right, this will happen again.

Afternoon Diner - Another Test

CASHIER: One soy latte, one orange juice, two yogurts.

JORDAN'S MOM: Say thank you, Jordan.

JORDAN: Thank you.

ALFRED HOFFMAN: I'd like a cup of tea, please. And, uh, make sure the water is very hot.

CASHIER: Sure thing. What kind of tea?

ALFRED HOFFMAN: Oh, I don't know, uh... you pick. Whichever is your favorite. Oh, and please... make sure the water is very hot.

JORDAN'S MOM: So do you like her? Mrs. Greenwalt?

JORDAN: Yeah, she's nice. But she always makes us take a nap after lunch.

JORDAN'S MOM: Well, maybe you need time to get your energy back.

JORDAN: I think Mrs. Greenwalt is the one who's sleepy.

ALFRED HOFFMAN: She's very smart, your daughter.

JORDAN'S MOM: Yeah, she is.

ALFRED HOFFMAN: Soon you'll be outsmarting the teachers.

JORDAN'S MOM: Well, we're already there. We're talking about skipping her up a grade.

ALFRED HOFFMAN: Yeah, well, don't be in too much of a hurry. These days are precious. Soon all you will have... are pictures.

JORDAN'S MOM: Hmm, that smells good. Is that cinnamon?

ALFRED HOFFMAN: Yeah. Something like that.


Diner Crime Scene - Aftermath

BROYLES: Nine victims. Suffocated just like the wedding in Brookline.

OLIVIA: Except unlike the Stallers, none of these people were related to each other.

PETER: Yoo might have to rework that hypothesis, Walter. Maybe this toxin isn't transmitted genetically.

WALTER: It's just a theory, Peter.

OLIVIA: Any surveillance?

BROYLES: No cameras inside or on the street. Could be why our suspect chose this place.

OLIVIA: No candles, I suppose.

BROYLES: Not a single one.

PETER: Hey, Walter, is there any other way that this toxin could be delivered?

WALTER: Any number of ways, I would think. It simply requires a heat source to disperse it into the air.

OLIVIA: What about a cup of tea?

WALTER: Oh, yes, thank you. Hmm? Oh! Oh, yes, yes, that would work. As long as the water was hot enough.

OLIVIA: Cinnamon.

BROYLES: I want this cup dusted for prints immediately.

FORENSICS TECH: Yes, sir. Right away.

WALTER: Peter, can you help me? That man there, what color are his eyes?

PETER: Brown.

WALTER: I was right after all. It is a targeted toxin. They all have brown eyes. That's the common genetic trait. Check the survivors, but I'm sure I'm right. It's a good thing you weren't here at the time, Agent Broyles, or you would be dead too.

OLIVIA: So first it was a family. Now it's people with brown eyes. Why is he targeting these people? You said you think it's an experiment. So what-- He's just killing these people to prove that he can?

WALTER: Perhaps. I'm going to drive us back to the lab. I think I have an idea.

PETER: Walter... why don't I drive? An idea about what?

WALTER: I don't know yet.

ALFRED HOFFMAN: Excuse me, officer. That man over there. He's named Bischoff.

POLICE OFFICER: You mean Doctor Bishop.

ALFRED HOFFMAN: Doctor Bishop.

POLICE OFFICER: Did you need something?

ALFRED HOFFMAN: No, I'm just trying to place him. He looks just like his father.

Walter's Lab - Family History Lesson

WALTER: Oh! Is that the teacup?

OLIVIA: Yeah. But, uh, they could only pull a partial print, so no good to run through any databases.

WALTER: Oh. That's unfortunate. But you are just in time.

OLIVIA: Just in time for what?

PETER: Show and tell, apparently.

WALTER: This is a molecular model of the toxin. This blue portion, that's the deadly part. This red part, that... that's the targeted group. Um, in the first instance, the Staller family -- Agent Farnsworth? And in this instance, people with brown eyes.

OLIVIA: Because he can program the toxin to target whatever group he wants.

WALTER: Any group with – common physical characteristics or genetic similarities, yes. Um, tall people, short people, fat people, skinny people, black people, brown people, or white people --

PETER: Hey, Walter. We get it.

WALTER: Oh... well, anyway, whoever created this was apparently proud of his work. Although I don't know why he should be, I mean -- apart from the genetic targeting, the toxin itself is quite rudimentary. It's a blend of chromium trioxide and hydrogen cyanide.

PETER: Chromium trioxide? That's highly regulated. If this guy was buying it in any quantity...

OLIVIA: Astrid, can you --

ASTRID: Dig up any companies that deal with chromium trioxide.

OLIVIA: So, Walter, what were you saying about him being proud of his work?

WALTER: Ah. See this? That's a carbon chain. It's inert. It's the signature of the creator. Some chemists spell out their initials in molecules. Others create a symbol.

OLIVIA: Are you saying that we may be able to identify whoever made this?

WALTER: Well, yes, but this could be anybody's. Well, it looks like a stylized "S", or a snake.

PETER: Actually... looks more like a seahorse to me.

WALTER: Heh, heh, a sea horse. I suppose it could --

OLIVIA: What is it?

WALTER: Die seepferdchen. The seahorse. I know who created this toxin.

PETER: Hey, Walter. Wait, Walter... What's going on?

WALTER: They called him "the seahorse" because he was a great swimmer.

PETER: Okay, good for him. But who is he?

WALTER: My father. Doctor Robert Bishop.

PETER: Wait, wait, wait, your father?

WALTER: I told you these were Nazi experiments. My father was a scientific pioneer at the University of Berlin.

PETER: Yes, I know, who came here in 1933, which is long before the Nazis ever took power.

WALTER: It was 1943. Given the nature of his work, I fudged the date a little.

PETER: Walter, what are you telling me? That my grandfather was a Nazi?

WALTER: Technically, yes. Actually... he worked as a spy for the Allies, sabotaging German research and -- and smuggling scientific information to the Americans. I... I knew I recognized the experiment. I must have seen the formula in one of my father's books.

OLIVIA: Walter, are you saying that you think your father helped develop the formula for this toxin?

WALTER: It would seem so. But of course, at the time, it was just theoretical.DNA itself was theoretical. That formula has to be here somewhere. These are all of my father's favorite books, first editions of Goethe, Thomas Mann--

PETER: And you're sure that all those notes were hidden inside of German novels?

WALTER: Oh, yes. Yes, it was the only way he could smuggle them out of Germany when he left.

PETER: You're not gonna find those books in there.

WALTER: Oh, no, no. They will be here. These are all the books in my library.

PETER: No, they won't. Walter. They're not in there. I sold those books. All of them. About ten years ago.

WALTER: You sold them. Why?

PETER: I needed money.

WALTER: Money? They were my books. He left them to me. He knew how dangerous they were.

PETER: The odds that this case has anything to do with your father's work --

WALTER: The very thing that he was trying to stop, you put back into the world.

PETER: We don't know that for sure.

WALTER: Yes, we do! Of course we do. How else would whoever is doing this have gotten hold of the formula? And because I failed to protect it, my father's work is killing people.


Markham's Books - Bishop's Notes

BROYLES: (on phone) So the killer is using a toxin based on a formula created by Doctor Bishop's father?

PETER: (on speaker phone from car) Just another skeleton in the Bishop family closet. It's in a book I sold.

OLIVIA: So the formula is very complex. We believe that the killer must have found it in one of the books. If we can trace the books, then hopefully we can find him.

BROYLES: Then do it. Quickly.


PETER: We'll find those books.

EDWARD MARKHAM: Come on, Bishop! You sold me those books, like, ten years ago. How am I supposed to know where they are now?

PETER: Because, Markham, you're exactly the kind of fastidious packrat who keeps a handwritten log of every book he's ever sold.

EDWARD MARKHAM: Such a way with words. How is it that a beautiful lady like you is stuck with this guy?

OLIVIA: Uh, it's my job.

EDWARD MARKHAM: Well, I got plenty of books on how to rethink your career. What color is your parachute?... Do what you are...

PETER: That's thoughtful of you. I really need you to find out who it was who bought those books.

OLIVIA: Whoever did may be in the midst of a killing spree.

EDWARD MARKHAM: Hmm, sounds serious. Give me a minute, I'll see what I can find.

PETER: What?

OLIVIA: You didn't really sell Walter's books for money, did you? Walter's got heaps of valuable stuff. Why did you just sell his books?

PETER: It was a long time ago. Walter was still in St. Claire, so I wasn't exactly very fond of him at the time. Those books were amongst his favorite possessions. And no, to answer your question, I'm not proud of it.

EDWARD MARKHAM: They were sold last year. The name I got is Eric Franko. Lives over in Kendall Square. He struck me as a real weirdo.

PETER: Coming from you, that's saying something. I owe you one.

Kendall Square - Meeting Franko

OLIVIA: Doesn't look like he's here.

PETER: Well, why don't we just poke around for a bit?

OLIVIA: Freeze! FBI! Get down on your knees.

ERIC FRANKO: Don't shoot me. Please don't shoot me. I'm not a Nazi. I'm an artist. It's about the banality of evil, uh, like the Nuremberg trials showing history's tyrants as these regular schmucks.

PETER: That's deep. Where are the books you bought from Markham? The German novels.

ERIC FRANKO: The ones with all the creepy stuff inside. The Alice in Wonderland meets the, uh -- the evil Nazi experiment? Well, you're looking at one of them. Uh, so what do those books have to do with the FBI?

PETER: It's a long story.

OLIVIA: So none of these have ever been displayed. You're the only person who's ever seen them.

ERIC FRANKO: Sadly, the, uh, contemporary art scene has yet to, um -- fully recognize my particular contributions.

PETER: I'd like to get these books back -- or what's left of them. I'll pay you whatever you had to pay for them.

ERIC FRANKO: Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure, uh... It's gonna take me a while to, uh, dig them all up, uh... but you should also know the collage is for sale. Or I could donate it.

Walter's Lab - DNA Ideas

WALTER: Your grandfather was a fan of modern art. But I don't think he would have appreciated this.

PETER: I'm sorry, Walter.

WALTER: Apology not accepted. Of course, this means the perpetrator didn't get the formula from the books.

OLIVIA: No, we don't see how he could have.

WALTER: Then how on Earth did he recreate the formula using my father's signature, no less?

ASTRID: No match on the killer's DNA, Walter.

WALTER: Great. More bad news.

OLIVIA: Wait, I don't understand. His DNA? Where did you get his DNA?

ASTRID: Doctor Bishop was able to get some from the partial fingerprints – from the skin cells in the oil. That's pretty amazing.

WALTER: Not my best work, I'm afraid. The telomere degradation suggested that the man was over a hundred years old, which is fascinating, but not a likely possibility.

PETER: Hey, Walter, you said this toxin could be programmed to target any genetic trait, right?


PETER: Well, could it be programmed to target more than one? Say, green eyes and brown hair at the same time?

WALTER: Yes, I suppose it could.

OLIVIA: What are you thinking?

PETER: Das Herrenvolk. The master race. The Nazis' ultimate goal. The purification of the German people and the white race.

OLIVIA: So Nazi science for a Nazi agenda.

PETER: All of Hitler's dreams in one little toxin.

Boston Back Alley - New Test

ALLEY DWELLER: Hey! What are you doing there?

ALFRED HOFFMAN: I'm conducting a test.. to monitor the dispersion rate of my experiment. Please... you can watch.


Walter's Lab - A Lead

PETER: Walter. What are you doing to those rats?

WALTER: Killing them. Well, hopefully only the white ones.

ASTRID: I thought you were trying to block the toxin.

WALTER: I am. But I have to replicate it before I can figure out how to stop it.

OLIVIA: Uh, Astrid couldn't find any companies that purchased chromium trioxide within the past six months. But our EPA contact suggested we search for sodium chromate?

WALTER: Of course. It's a sister compound. You treat it with sulphuric acid, you get chromium trioxide.

OLIVIA: Okay, well, here are three local buyers. Do you recognize any of them?

WALTER: Those two -- pharmaceutical companies. This one I've never heard of.

PETER: Shipping address is 3340 Eastham Road. Newton, Mass? That's a residential address.

OLIVIA: Uh, sir? It's Dunham. Uh, I think we have a location.

Hoffman Lab - Criminal Escape

OLIVIA: Are we clear, Agent Doble?

AGENT DOBLE: The air is safe.

RAIDING OFFICER: We're good! All clear!

PETER: Makes your lab look downright homey.

WALTER: Schwarzes haut, braunes haut, grune augen...

PETER: ...genetic traits. Eye color, hair color, skin tone -- It's the works.

WALTER: Creating the master race by process of elimination.

OLIVIA: Guys? I think I found something. Looks like he was making some kind of I.D.

PETER: Walter, this is your sweater. Walter? Walter! Oh, Walter.

OLIVIA: Get him out of here! We need some help downstairs! We need that oxygen, now!

WALTER: Oxygen...

PETER: Yeah. Breathe... Just breathe, Walter. Breathe. Breathe.

OLIVIA: Walter, how are you feeling?

WALTER: You got me out just in time. I'd like my sweater back.

PETER: We'll work on that, Walter.

OLIVIA: Walter, why did he go after you?

WALTER: I don't know. Perhaps he knew my father betrayed the Nazis.

PETER: Were you able to get that photo to Broyles?

OLIVIA: Yeah. He's sending it out wide. I also found this.

PETER: I know that logo.

Arts Center - Criminal Infiltration

SECURITY SCREENER: I have to check the contents of the box.


SECURITY SCREENER: Alright, go ahead.


Arts Center - Intercepting Hoffman

OLIVIA: (en route, talking on speaker phone as she drives) It's the annual World Tolerance Conference at the Boston Center for Performing Arts.

BROYLES: (on phone at office) Do you know who he's planning to target?

PETER: (speaker phone) No, with that broad a spectrum of genetic markers, the target group could be anybody.

BROYLES: We need to evacuate the building. I'll call the Head of Security. But there are any number of foreign dignitaries at that conference, so we need to follow protocol. That'll take time.

PETER: We may not have it.

(Walter has lingered in Hoffman's makeshift lab with a technician. he finds an old sweater on the floor, picks it up and studies hit. he lifts his mask and tests the air. he notices a device on the shelf and takes it with him, along with the sweater)

CONFERENCE SPEAKER: (before the assembled guests at the Arts Cneter) There are many difficulties, but we must continue to confront discrimination and uphold the rights of the oppressed. The theme of this year's conference, Individual and Cultural Rights, was not chosen lightly. (dressed in wait staff attire, Hoffman moves between the warming trays, placing his toxin laced cannisters below them as he goes) This organization has a proud tradition of upholding both human rights and cultural diversity. Yet these goals, at times, may appear difficult. Together, we are committed to the promotion of tolerance.

ASTRID: (joins Walter at the lab while he experiments with the things he gathered from Hoffman's lab) Walter? Whenever you're ready, I'll... take you home.

WALTER: No. I want you to take me to the Performing Arts Center. (pours a light blue liquid into a test tube) I can stop this.

OLIVIA: (entering the Arts Center) Okay. (briefs the awaiting forces) We're looking for the man, or the mechanism.

PETER: A candle, a coffee urn...

OLIVIA: (flashes badge to security) FBI. (to investigators) So... now, remember, he could be anywhere -- On the floor, on the balconies... anywhere. (on tactical radio after they spilt-up) Peter, there's a candle on every table.

PETER: (on radio) I know. They've been burning for so long. There's no victims. He must be using something more potent.

ASTRID: (to Walter as they arrive at the Arts Center and he heads in the wrong direction) Walter, the conference is this way.

WALTER: (continues where he was going to go) No, Astrid. We need to take the higher ground. (she follows him upstairs)

CANTRELL: (over radio) This is Cantrell in the north-west corner. I've got nothing.

OLIVIA: (over radio) Nothing here, either. Keep circulating.

CONFERENCE SPEAKER: (continues as law enforcement searches calmly) ... a difference of values, of religions, and of lifestyles. We must take great care, lest our advocacy become its own form of oppression, one that unjustifiably takes sides. (Hoffman smiles as he drifts among the attendees)

PETER: (on radio) Olivia, I'm in the bar. It could be anything back here. Candles, coffee pots -- It's a disaster. (sees something) Hold on a second.

OLIVIA: Peter? (hurries to find him)

PETER: Whoa! (as he intercepts a wait person lighting a warming tray candle) Let's hold off on those for one second. (to Olivia as he removes the candle from under the tray) I think I got it.

CONFERENCE SPEAKER: (continues aware of security concerns) ... we are united by a common -- (interrupted by loud coughing)

OLIVIA: (rushing to the sound) Where's the victim? FBI.

PETER: Everybody, move!

OLIVIA: Please. Make room! Make room.

PETER: I said move! Get outta my way! I need a paramedic!

ALFRED HOFFMAN: (laying on the ground, gasping for life) Bischoff! Traitor! (Walter stands defiantly on the balcony above with the device from Hoffman's lab)

Arts Center - Aftermath

BROYLES: Doctor Bishop.

WALTER: Yes, Agent Broyles?

BROYLES: What you did tonight...

WALTER: ... was to use the killer's DNA to target him and only him using his own toxin. If you plan to press charges, then so be it. But I don't regret what I did.

BROYLES: (sternly) Good night, Doctor Bishop. (walks off)

WALTER: Olivia... That man... He -- He corrupted my father's work.

OLIVIA: I understand.

WALTER: No, no, it was more than that. You see, family is very important to me. There's nothing I wouldn't do. (she walks away)

Bishop Residence - Family Ties

WALTER: (as Peter returns with a box of stored items) What's this?

PETER: It's a present. (placing box on desk) Your father's work. I had Franko give me everything that wasn't totally destroyed.

WALTER: (starts to inspect the contents) Oh, look, Peter. It's your grandfather. (hands him photo)

PETER: Robert Bischoff?

WALTER: That was his name. He changed it when he came over here. Your mother always said that you shared his noble brow. It's a pity you never got to know him. You two would have gotten along very well, I think.

PETER: (smiles. starts to leave room) You know, there is still one thing that doesn't make any sense. If the formula for the toxin didn't come from your father's notes, how did this guy get it?

WALTER: Hmm. Perhaps there are some mysteries that are destined to remain unsolved. (earnestly) Thank you for bringing these back. (an image of young Walter hangs on the wall with an older scientist standing in the background)

Kikavu ?

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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